A little Saturday centering

This Saturday felt the most normal in about six.

After a catch up, with a friend - in the sun - it was braai time as the Guinea fowl readied themselves for bed.

It was a good day: seeds for the vegetable garden. Some of the yield is destined for jars: as pickles - for starters.

Also, what a treat to be able to get fresh blueberries - sold by a youngster (really - about 12) - and from the next valley.

Because they were so fresh, and some slightly green, they are a little tart and made a great addition to the supper salad of homegrown leaves and Balsamic roasted turnips.

I am so happy that my perennial basil has settled and is flourishing because that flavour took the salad to a whole new level.

Other market news

At this week's market, I hit the big five oh! Fifty jars of marmalade sold in twelve months and with the two chilli jam, that tally is now 23 in nine months. I started keeping an informal record (not a spreadsheet @nickyhavey) after I ran out of stock of both and people came asking for them.

With four months of no market, and five of lockdown and very limited numbers, and no real marketing, that says something. I wonder what?

Oh and the lemon marmalade I made in Tuesday?

I am delighted with the flavour and colour. Best of all, the message from my chef and baker friend, who claims that marmalade is the one thing she cannot make when she opened the jar I gave her:

I am in heaven...

Music to my ears. A good couple of days.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma


Post Script

In yet another aspect of my life, I offer

English writing, research and online writing tutoring services

writing - emails and reports, academic and white papers formal grammar, spelling and punctuation more information here

And then there's more:

  • If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:
    • re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I plan to add them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
    • and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts because of this.
  • If you’re interested in a soft entry into the world of crypto currency and monetising WordPress blog, use the fantastic Steempress plugin to post directly to the Hive blockchain. Click on the image below to sign up
  • I also share my occasional instagram posts to the crypto blockchain using the new, and really nifty phone app, Dapplr. On your phone, click the icon below, and give it a go.

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