TATA (the new Social App)

Do you know TATA ?, probably not. I got the opportunity to get some answers concerning the application by means of reviewhunt and I am enamored with the application.


Tata builds your hover for a more extensive reach and socialization, you get the opportunity to meet individuals you have same interests with from better places everywhere throughout the world.


You socialize on Tata by sharing your day to day exercises like design style, travel, sustenance, visit, occasions, joints, and so forth it could be in form of video or pictures.


The intriguing part is that you get remunerated for your exercises. As your communication and notoriety increase on the application, you get remunerated with ACN/TTC token.

Tata application is something you would love and enjoy , try it today. Make new cool friends on Tata.

Tata on Android

Tata on IOS

TTC on Android

Add me on Tata, through my QRcode, below.


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