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Have the troll-whales finally been put in check by bigger fish? Why I think Hardfork 19 is the beginning of the end for flag abusers.

Did you know there is a whale-war happening on Steemit? The infamous troll-whale who got in early on Steem mining is under attack by the co-founder of Steemit himself. I personally have been under attack from this whale for a few months. Ever since I uncovered and exposed the Steem-Guild scam which robbed the entire platform of their voting power. When I spoke out I told them I am going to "blow this shit up." Which in my words means "expose the truth." The false rumor was spread that I threatened someone and I have been under attack by Bernie Sanders, my former supporter ever since. I will not be using any names but I will say that all these people are connected, self voting and invoting each other to the top of the trending page still today. Refusing to vote for others because it will reduce their voting power. Many of the witnesses are involved in this "invoting." Hardfork 19 is where the rubber meets the road. Where we find out who is greedy and will self vote their own comments to the top and who will still give votes to others. People now are realizing the value of their vote, which is why I believe these troll-whale's will stop wasting their voting power flagging me and my friends like @Skeptic. Even my 200,000 dollar downvote bot that was dedicated to me has now delegated it's power over to the randowhale voting service. I predicted this weeks ago. :)


Co-founder of Steemit Dan Larimer flags long time Steemian abuser and Randowhale owner Justin Salmeron aka NextGenCrypto/BernieSanders into the dirt, I joined in just for fun. Soon Bernie will have negative reputation and be invisible to all if he keeps up his abuse. Thank you Dan Larimer! You're my hero.

2017-06-25 05_45_33-Dedicated Asshole (@berniesanders) — Steemit - Comodo IceDragon.png

Sometimes Bernie does good, nullifying voting abuse as he did here when Fyrstikken attempted to drain the pool through upvoting worthless comments.. but other times he is the abuser.. destroying original content of others and nullifying the votes of hundreds over his own hateful heart. These 2 whales have costed me thousands of dollars in votes and they both mock me for how "poor" I am. All the while they continue to fight each other. Interesting! With so many enemies do they have enough voting power to destroy them all?

2017-06-20 22_17_15-Did you know Fyrstikken ripped off a man for 10 Bitcoins last year_ He is one of.png

When I tried to post proof of my interview with Vitalik Buterin in a comment it was flagged 100% with a million dollars of voting power. Truly I am hated by this kid. This was the 3rd 100% downvote in 2 days.


2017-06-25 05_44_45-berniesanders _ Steem - Comodo IceDragon.png

Finally Dan Larimer comes back to save the day. The argument from these abusive whales has been "it's my voting power I can use it how I want." Guess what, so can Dan Larimer! OWNED

This one is for our Dear Leader, The Blockchain Regulator, Bytemaster Dan Larimer! We love you, Dan! Live long and prosper my friend!

UPDATE: Bernie Sanders and his henchman, top Steemit witness Pfunk have now downvoted my Vitalik Buterin interview over $700


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