Q. #PRAY: "Nobody Can Imagine The level of Evil" 1/23, #THEWHOLETRUTH, Day 4 of TEN DARK DAYS

January 23: Q posted a warning to the world today that the Deep State is more evil than people can even imagine. Team Q says that they will soon be releasing the information on human trafficking/human sacrifices that is happening at the highest levels.

To get an excellent overview of what we are up against in this Freedom fight, please watch Thomas Payne and Lionel Nation spell out the full spectrum domination of our lives and how it was created by the Deep State, involving all the usual suspects: Bushes, Clintons, Walker, Comey, Mueller, Schmidt, and the list goes on with many names you recognize and others that you may not. This is the weaponization of humanity, using our own biology against us:


Please watch this excellent video, in review, as a reminder of the people Trump is confronting at Davos tomorrow: the Dutch banker who blew the whistle on satanic deep state organizations in global banking centralized in the European Union:


Dystopia/1984 Orwellian reality is already here. YOU can resist. By refusing to participate in the medical cartel, by putting down your tech devices, by speaking with your family members and community, by refusing to be quiet, by loving your own freedom, your own body and life and treating people with respect, this is how we get rid of the satanic Deep State.

To view the InfoWars #MEMO:

Pray/Prey: A before E, except after C: The Clinton's preying is about to be exposed. #PRAY for the successful execution of #STORM, to bring these people to military court for treason, along with the rest of the deep state cabal.

For background on AT&T's history of collusion with the FBI and Intelligence surveillance:


To see William Binney's excellent intelligence reports: https://www.exposefacts.org

To educate yourself on the history of false flag terrorism in the United States:


Thank you for viewing my post! Please hound your Congress Members and the DOJ to demand accountability about the full #MEMO. We want #THEWHOLETRUTH !!

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We are changing the world, Freedom Lovers! #STORM IS RAGING! @dakini5d

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