A Dash of Sult N Papper 11/21/20> On the verge of 65… and a writing contest… details inside.


Numbers play a...

Numbers play a big part in our lives and I’m closing in on the number 65. Honestly I didn’t think much about it and even though 65 isn’t a round number it is pretty significant for me. For a very brief point in time I actually reached 65 but it didn’t last long.

Yesterday I noticed my REP number had reached 65 but for some reason unknown to me I’ve been kicked back to 64. I’m inclined to go to court and petition for a recount and full audit, but I’m not quite sure which court has jurisdiction over HIVE and the web. Maybe when Rudy and Sydney are finished with their current client I could hire them to pursuit this for me.

How many of...

How many of you caught that press conference a couple of days ago that Rudy and Sidney held? I actually listened to it live while it was taking place and even listened to a replay later that night. Most of you know that I have an interest in law and like to follow along and make my observations on things regarding law.

My first observation...

My first observation, which seemed to be what most mainstream media focused on, is that Rudy needs to quit using the home hair dye kits and spend the money to have a professional hair dresser take care of that for him.

That might not be an easy task however since beauty shops aren’t essential businesses and might be closed down because of Covid where he lives.

I’d also recommend he have his doctor check his blood pressure medicine before he blows a gasket. Again though, I’m not a doctor so maybe I’m out of line giving medical advice suggestions.

Seriously though...

Seriously though, he and Sidney made some serious criminal accusations during that press conference and a REAL investigation needs to take place concerning those accusations. Will that happen?

I’d like to think it would but I have serious doubts it will. This situation isn’t about who becomes president; it is way beyond that. If you think that is all that is at stake here I suggest you wake up and smell the coffee. (Coffee smells and tastes better in a “Guzbuck …I’m Good.” coffee mug by the way.) Link below at the bottom.

I'm a meat...

I’m a meat and ‘taters man so I’m going to give you the meat and ‘taters of the situation. Freedom of the people of the United States is exactly what is at stake. This isn’t a scare tactic on my part; it is the plain and simple truth. Should you care not to accept what I’m saying is your choice to make.

Yesterday I noted...

Yesterday I noted in my Dash that the USA ranks 15th in freedom currently when compared to other countries. So I have to ask my American readers; how will you like the USA when it ranks 80th? Even better than that let’s go a little further down the list how about 161st?

I think that 161st is very important since there are only 162 countries on the list.

I also happen to know that there are people on HIVE that live in the 161st ranked country. Some of those people I actually know on here. Some even read the Dash and have participated in some contests I’ve run.

Here is what...

Here is what I’m going to do to get my point across so Americans can see what is in our future if we continue to turn a blind eye towards our government.

I am holding an exclusive writing contest open only to people living in that 161st ranked country. By all accounts it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world when it comes to geography, but all that glitters is not gold.

The people of Venezuela can tell us firsthand what life is like living at number 161 on the freedom index. I might inject here that the software used in several swing states here in the USA 2020 elections originated in Venezuela for use by Chavez years ago in Venezuelan elections, that isn’t fiction either, it is fact.

Those of you...

Those of you who will enter please give us the good, the bad, and the ugly in your own words. There is no minimum or maximum word count; I’ll leave that up to your discretion in order to get across living conditions where you live. By all means include photos if you would like, I prefer those be your own but I’m not the picture police either.

To enter title your post: “Guzbucked in 161 writing contest”…(and your title here)
Post it on your blog and then drop a link back here on this post in the comments so everyone will have access to read it.

This writing contest...

This writing contest starts today and I think that it would be very fitting that it closes on this coming Thursday, which is Thanksgiving Day in the USA. It will close at 10:00 PM Texas time on turkey day, November 26th, 2020.

My supply of HIVE is pretty drained but I will guarantee a prize pool of at least 65 HIVE and I will gladly accept any donations that people would like to make to increase the prize pool.

First place winner will receive 40% and second will receive 20% of the prize pool as it stands now, I’ll figure out how the rest will be divided once I know how much is in the prize pool to work with. As always, I reserve the authority to modify the payout percentages if needed.

Please share this...

Please share this contest with folks that you know who currently live in Venezuela so we can have a broader vision of life in the 161st country as ranked by the Cato Institute World Freedom Index.
Until next time,

Don't forget; if you want your very own ‘ Guzbuck Ya'll" t shirt or your own “Guzbuck..I’m good.” coffee mug then check out the guzbuck_shop here.

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