A Dash of Sult N Papper 11/08/20> Third World status confirmed by US elections…


It was just...

It was just a matter of time before the real conditions that exist in the United States would be brought to light and this past week pretty much brought it all into focus. On Monday I started writing a Dash to publish just before the Election Day and the title was “The only losers will be the voters.”
My regret is that I didn’t get it finished and posted. It’s hard to type when you are dead asleep even if the laptop is literally in your lap, which was where I was on Monday night. Since then I’ve been busy working, drawing plans and watching as the elections results have drug on in being reported.

So, it's Saturday...

So, it’s Saturday night and earlier the media has pronounced Sleepy Joe as president –elect. I will elaborate on the election stuff later on I’m sure but the reality is the US is a third world country now and actually has been for a while only now the whole world knows it.

We have looked...

We have looked the other way for far too long at government corruption and even when exposed we can’t seem to get any of them prosecuted and thrown in prison.

We incarcerated more people here in the US than any other country in the world; the problem is we don’t lock up the right ones. We are more content locking up the petty drug pushers to keep the for profit prison system at full capacity than actually tackling the ones who can and do the most damage to life here; the corrupt politicians.

Whether you like president tRump or not, if you have any sense of being honest with yourself or others, I submit you would agree that he delivered on most of the campaign promises he made in running for the office. The only one I can point to that he fell really short on was draining the swamp in Washington, DC. If he was saving that for his agenda in his second term he made a critical error.

We have a ...

We have a media system that is owned by the left wing and deliberately has misled the people about our government. This hasn’t happened over night, it has been going on for over a century.

The mission of the media has been to get rid of tRump since about a month after he announced his candidacy back in 2015. His full term has been one attack against him after another with bogus and fabricated stories; we spent over $32 million of taxpayer money chasing the “Russian collusion” hoax that came about from a Clinton paid for dossier. The Clinton family is one of the most corrupt families of politicians in our history and surely should be locked up.

The 2020 election a lot was at stake, four more years of tRump could undermine the corrupt political system. In my life I never have seen such a coordinated effort by the media, tech giants, democratic governors of states and even mayors made to get tRump defeated. Even the political pollsters inflated pre-election poll results to the point that it seemed he would he go down in defeat by record numbers.

The courts will...

The courts will end up deciding this election and rightfully should.

In this year of the lock down due to COVID some “swing states” changed voting regulations without following lawful procedures. Those same states even went as far as sending out official election ballots to every last known address of previously registered voters from as far back as four years ago.
Is it any surprise that those same states just happened to be the ones we had been waiting on to release the results of their vote counts?

It also is...

It also is very suspicious that in one state, where the officials said the counting was finished for the day and they would resume the counting in the morning, posted an overnight gain for Sleepy Joe of over 130,000 votes to put him in the lead. I thought they said the counting was stopped so their vote counters could get some sleep?

Why was it that the Republican party was excluded in Pennsylvania from watching the vote count which is perfectly legal? The tRump folks had to go to court and get a court order allowing entry and were still refused while the election officials appealed the court order. If there wasn’t any corruption going on in the count then why would the officials deny the tRump folks access?

There are crooked...

There are crooked politicians on both sides, Republican and Democrat. I had the discussion with my brother who happens to live in Ohio. He said the democrats are stealing the election but I sent him a video from Texas were a Republican congressional candidate campaign worker was buying votes so it isn’t just a one party thing, corruption knows no bounds in US elections.

Here in the ...

Here in the US we actually know how to run a proper election where it is one vote for one person but we won’t run our elections here like that.

The US military has held elections in foreign countries that we “occupy” and it is vote in person and when you vote the voter gets his finger dipped into ink that is purple in color and is indelible. So there is no way they can go to another polling location and vote again.

We may have to get the Canadian army or the Mexican army in here for our next election and let them run it like we run elections overseas.

The voters are the real losers in this election. Don’t let the media convince you that voter fraud isn’t wide spread either, they are the same ones who were reporting that tRump didn’t have a chance to win. They weren’t wrong on him not having a legitimate chance because they were in on the fix, now it will be up to the courts to decide.

These types of elections are the ones you hear about happening in third world countries. I rest my case.

Until next time,

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