A Dash of Sult N Papper 04/06/20> Duck, duck, duck, and … duck.


I was going...

I was going to just skip today’s Dash because number one, I'm tired and sore from the weekend. Secondly because I was so busy this past weekend I really didn’t have time to prepare anything for today. (Yes, I really do prepare these Dash posts). So this is just a little recap of why I’m tired and sore.

I mentioned to...

I mentioned to a couple folks around here that before the “stay at home” orders went into effect I sent the wife and girls to buy some ducklings so the girls would have something new to occupy their time in this lock down period. Well, those four little suckers are growing fast so Saturday afternoon I took a trip up to our local lumber store and picked up some treated 2”x4” and 2”x2” lumber to construct a duck pen.

Having spent the...

Having spent the better part of the last three weeks doing virtually nothing except phone calls, emails, and HIVING my energy and stamina has declined so to say. So actually getting out and doing something physical in nature,( like work) exposed just how out of shape I’ve become in a short period of time.

Blondie and I...

Blondie and I spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon building the duck pen for “her” ducks, I guess the other kids got excluded from duck ownership, since it was an idea of hers to get ducks she had hinted to me back in the winter. I’m good with that because it gives her exclusive responsibility to take care of them, which I think she will regret sooner or later.

My having a...

My having a bum knee recently had me protecting that knee while we worked on the pen and instead of squatting down or sitting down I found myself bending over quite a bit attaching the screening to the pen. That was a huge mistake on my part, as my back is sore as when I used to shoe horses for a living. Luckily, I still have a bottle of horse liniment and put it to good use on my back. It say’s not for human use on it, but I don’t really care, the stuff works damn well.

Although however; I did wake up wanting some Quaker oats cereal for breakfast which is unusual for me.

If that pen...

If that pen building wasn’t enough for the weekend I had to dig a grave on Sunday evening to bury Shortie’s old guinea pig named Squirt. He had been in pretty good health but I guess he may have caught something or just died of old age. He went pretty quickly though and it was pretty devastating for Shortie so we had a dusk burial service for him on Sunday night.

Well that wraps it from here, time for some more liniment and a hot bath.

Until next time,

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