Accept This Message, Beware Android Users.

Accept This Message, Beware Android Users -

  • Security researcher Kaspersky Lab reminds Android smartphone users to be careful, if they receive pop-up messages to update the Chrome version on their smartphone.

The message in question reads 'To better experience the browsing, update to the latest chrome version'. If a user clicks on the link, it will trigger the installation of a Trojan app named 'facebook apk' or 'chrome apk' which becomes the backdoor Android attack
Security researchers said the pop-up message is a sign of Android smartphone users threatened infiltrated Roaming Mantis malware.

Kaspersky's research found the malware was attacking Android smartphones by the method of hacking through the router. When smartphones are connected to the Internet through an infected router, Mantis Roaming malware can cross from router to smartphone.

For that, researchers asked Android smartphone users should be careful in accessing WiFi network, because there is a possibility of lurking threats.

"Mantis roaming is an active and rapidly expanding threat. Therefore we are releasing these findings now rather than waiting for us to get all the answers, "said Security Researcher Kaspersky Lab Japan, Suguru Ishimaru in a written statement, Wednesday, May 2, 2018.

Malware Roaming Mantis flag

Findings from Kaspersky Lab indicate that malware is looking for a router with a security hole, and then distributing malware through a simple but effective trick by hijacking DNS from the attacked router. How the method of attacking the router is still unknown.


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