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Proper healthcare is central to continuing life and just as carrying on with a well and appropriate life healthy. Wellbeing is essentially characterised as the total prosperity of an individual both in the physical, social and mental part of life. With the present flood in the healthcare cost which has prompted an ascent in the GDP just as incomes from expenses intended to support the medicinal services framework a requirement for usage of changes that will help address this is consequently a truly necessary advancement. Cost of healthcare in further developed nations is on the expansion and theories are been made that by mid-century if the present human services or healthcare segment is to proceed with as is it, medical services administrations will be unreasonably expensive.

Along these lines the Cures platform have consequently chosen to take the bull by the horn and take care of the present healthcare framework and they are in this manner meaning to consolidate standard human healthcare services changes that will render medical services administrations reasonable and furthermore accessible for people on an all around scale which will this assistance to build the personal satisfaction without any impediments at all.


CURES is a platform planned on decentralized highlights of the blockchain innovation framework to offer improved and productive healthcare administrations dissimilar to the current brought together human services framework. The platform means to acheive these through procedure that incorporates: enabling social insurance gear providers, restorative human services suppliers even down to the patients who require these medicinal services administrations. The platform means to utilise blockchain innovation framework to help boost rare assets inside the social insurance area, lessen cost of human services administrations, just as benefiting from cooperative energy that will thus increase the value of all the neccessary just as significant partners.

The Cures platform was planned on 6 essential columns intended to help take care of the fundamental issues approaching in the present medicinal services segment which incorporates; increment in the maturing number, progresses in therapeutic procedures, increment in expense of social insurance administrations. The 6 columns that shapes the Cures platform incorporates;


I. Intricacy of the current incorporated worldwide human services framework.

II. Extortion which is obvious in the present human services framework.

III. Access to quality medicinal consideration

IV. Issue of making installments over the outskirt.


I. Cures guarantees to settle the issue of multifaceted nature by incorporating shrewd contracts in their platform which will help guarantee appropriate exchange just as protect records dissimilar to the brought together arrangement of medicinal services where legitimate account among different procedures is exceptionally mind boggling.

II. The answer for the issue of misrepresentation in the present human services framework will likewise be comprehended with the utilisation of smart contracts whereby appropriate records will be kept for each exchange made dissimilar to the present social insurance framework where legitimate safe keeping is ignored this prompting extortion and theft of assets.

III. To understand the issue of access to quality human services, the cures platform will offer a decentralised framework which will encourage access to quality medicinal services to clients on a worldwide scale and furthermore taking out issue of outskirt as an obstructing factor.

IV. Likewise the cures platform will guarantee installment techniques that will be smooth too quick for all clients.


A. Application Store For Health Apps (Happ Store):

The Happ will be created by the cures platform to help offer an improved visual perception, vision just as improved personal satisfaction and furthermore supporting any designer to empower them list their wellbeing applications for nothing with no charge.

B. Wellbeing Assurance Platform: with the blockchain innovation framework which is the premise on which the Cures platform is built up, the creative future contracts idea of the Cures platform will permit or empower explicit just as conventional contracts. With this, medicinal specialist co-ops will be urged to offer these agreements at a rebate rate and consequently will be paid for it.

C. Electronic Health Records: with this idea, Cures clients will have their therapeutic record or information readily available and accordingly will empower them assume full responsibility for their information and in this manner encourage remote counsels and furthermore acquiring of second suppositions will in this manner help decrease visit to medicinal services organisations just as lessen the holding up records that can futher lead to contracting infections.

D. Commercial center And Trust Review Platform: with this idea locally available the Cures platform clients or better still patients needing appropriate social insurance will never again be relied upon to look for therapeutic administrations just by proposals yet will have the chance to surf the web looking for quality medicinal administrations with no restriction of outskirt or limits at all. It will likewise help limit cost, guarantee security and so forth. The real point here is to build up a trust survey framework where once an exchange is done utilising a blockchain just the person at the less than desirable end will be permitted to post either a decent or terrible audit on the platform.

E. A Trading Platform: building up a far reaching deals channel for imminent restorative hardware providers will empower them to offer specifically to patients just as to medical clinics just as centres on a discount scale which won't just decrease cost yet will likewise chop down the bizarre long supply chains.

F. A Charitable Trust Fund: The trust reserve will be financed either by unrestrained choice gifts from clients or through 5% commission of the absolute token in supply. This idea is accordingly gone for improving lives in locales where people are denied of legitimate medicinal services administrations.

Cures platform will keep running on an utility token which will be essentially named the "Curestoken" with a sum of 500 000 and is likewise an Erc-20 perfect utility token.

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