One Tip to Improve Your Curation Trail

Running a Curation Trail  fitinfun.jpg

Do you run a curation trail? This one tip will improve it for the minnows who follow you. They have chosen to automatically upvote posts you designate, but when you vote first, nobody wins.

The nature of curation rewards at steemit mean that we get “credit” in our curation rewards for finding good posts that later have big votes on them. So whoever votes first gets the benefit of votes that come later.

But in this case, you are the big guy. A lot of little votes coming after you do not help you grow.

If you let your minnows vote first with your larger vote coming after them, your trailers will get the benefit of your large vote in their curation reward. When you go first - they get nothing, and you get very little in the scheme of things.

Running a Curation Trail  to big fitinfun.jpg

Running a Curation Trail little guys first fitinfun.jpg

A trigger man solves this issue and can be anyone with low sp. You can use a smaller account you already have or ask one of the minnows on your trail to volunteer to go first. You will need their posting key and you will vote for the trigger man.

Running a Curation Trail  tigger man fitinfun.jpg

Next come all your other little guys. Use the timing on the autovoter to make sure all your small minnows can vote first.

Running a Curation Trail  small guys fitinfun.jpg

Use the next few minutes to let your larger steemers vote

Running a Curation Trail  bigger guys fitinfun.jpg

And then finally about 15 minutes after the trigger man has voted, it’s your turn along with any other big fish you’ve got on the trail.

Running a Curation Trail  now you fitinfun.jpg

You might say this is a small difference, but as you vote, time after time, the benefit does accrue.

However all bets are off if your little minnows are voting with no sp and no power. If your minnow's vote is under one cent, no one gets anything. Not the author and not the minnow. This is called a "dust vote" here and those are not encouraged.

You can find out if the minnow vote is dust by having them check their curation rewards. If they are getting nothing, it might not be in their best interest to follow the trail. Please encourage those who follow your trail to:

fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

Read a bit of my weight loss story and be inspired to change. Anyone can get healthy if I did.

If you want to help my son @bxlphabet and I stay on steemit, but your upvote is just not enough, here are my wallet addresses where I will be so grateful for any help.

BitcoinCash - BCH


Bitcoin - BTC


Dash - DAS


Litecoin - LTC


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