BOPH Curation for 2019


There’s going to be changes in this account’s curation effort. Aside from following trails which has been the accounts ongoing activity for months now, we will also start to actively comment on posts that received 100% upvotes through manual curation. We will however discontinue publishing posts for the upvoted authors. We will focus on directly engaging with the authors, letting them know their quality contents are appreciated.

We are seeing less and less engagements as the days pass. Some say it's because of the economic status, some became occupied with the world outside of steemit, some lost their drive. But one thing is certain, the activities are dwindling down. This is true be it in the Philippines or other communities. It's just not the same as it was before when steem process are at its peak.

Whatever their reasons were for staying before, many aren't here anymore. Where could they possibly be? Probably on some other social blockchain doing the rinse and repeat. Which gives us all the more reason to appreciate and upvote the authors that decided to stay and continue to create quality contents.

Over the year, I’ve come to question myself often about why I bother with this blockchain. I entered this platform thinking I could monetize my content but that purpose is no longer there. I’m staying for the community and see where this blockchain would take me.

But then again, there’s no point crying over spilled milk. Let’s move forward and work with whatever we have left. For now, we can only continue encouraging each other to continue creating posts and hope for the best where this blockchain could take us.

@adamada was here

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