Adsup Curation and Information for Transparency

The purpose of this account, a partnership between @ADSactly and @whatsup, is the curation of posts and projects that benefit the Steem Community.

This account curates Community Success Stories, Engaging Posts and Supports others who do the same.

While we might curate Introduction posts that isn't the focus on this account, we believe established accounts with strong Content Creators and a history of engagement and curation are some of our best-spent votes.

Combine that with finding New Talented Artists and supporting Tribes and fighting abuse are all activities which support the value of Steem.

I don't want to use this account to make a post about everything we do curation and community support I do want to occasionally go over what we are supporting and doing.

Currently, @adsup is following @whatsup vote with a 4 minute delay and at 35% to 45%. You could call it a curation trail with an invite to follow if you like.

There are others who are probably doing a better job of maximizing curation rewards, but the goal of this account is to support the community.

Here is our most recent voting ring


We are also supporting BROsino with a sponsorship of the #NewSteem Slots and loading up on tribe tokens as well so we can curate with those as well.

Please provide any feedback you have below!

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