How to win at curation rewards and lose at Steem

Tagged in a 'help me get better at curation' post, and received a few messages via today on improving rewards. Alright then, you asked for it...


Firstly, do not read the content, even if you are voting manually. If the post/comment is shit or one of the farming variety, it may cloud your judgement. This is not good for maximizing rewards. Remember, you are not here to give a toss about reward pool rape or the Trending page.

Vote spammy comments knowing bigger votes are coming


The 4 lesser voters know the $1.65 vote is coming, they don't care that it is on a comment that is a copy/paste.

Tip: If you plan to run a bot to vote these comments, check regularly as the account may be hit by steemcleaners.

Check in the wallets of Bid-bots

Especially those with millions of SP. Refresh the page every couple of minutes and vote the links that appear.

Alternately, go to, open the 'Actions' then 'details' of a larger bot and find the links there.

In time, you will know who consistently blows up their posts (bartist) with bots and so you can beat the people doing the above.

Do not follow trails

Why? They only seek the best content on Steem. What's good for Steem, is bad for your wallet in this case.

Watch what others are doing

And people wonder why I no longer give people STEEM for topping the Curation League....


There are a few ways though to continue to support the content you like and improve your Curation Rewards.

Per author:

Watch their votes following a new post - early is good, but not too early. Just try to be in front of the first vote that is around the same size as the one you want to issue.

Use this fancy page in tandem with the above to back-check a good time/weight for the author:

Find decent comments on the posts of authors who like to support their commentators / curators. Yep, you gotta read for this one, sorry.

Conclusion: The best curation rewards are mostly earned by supporting the authors and content that you should probably be flagging.

This post was brought to you by a grumpy abh12345 who should be starting work soon and earning some fiat to by crypto but is instead watching the likes of SBD do 50% in 10 mins last night.

Have an awesome day!

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