HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #267

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @marriot5464

Community: The Ink Well
Chaos In Time
. "Jane," Max called to his assistant with the pride of a man who had just invented a time travel machine. "Today, we solve the problem of time travel" His assistant stood there with him in his laboratory, grinning from ear to ear. Proud to be a protege of such an intelligent and revered man in New York ...
Author: @blaqbarbie

Community: The Ink Well
Wedding Mayhem with Sisters
Two years after Chichi and her sister Ada graduated from secondary school, they were given the most joyous news—our guardian was getting married, and they were chosen to be part of her bridal train. The wedding was so important to them because she took care of them so well in school and was like a second mother. Their dad gave them money to go over to their guardian's house a week before the wedding so they could help with the preparations. When they got there, they settled in and began assisting her with the wedding preparation ...
Author: @bipolar95

Community: The Ink Well
Few words from home.
Image is mine Growing up, I have never followed the crowd or joined a bandwagon. When the crowd is going right, I am going left and vice versa. I guess one of the things that made me this way is my father and the fact that we actually have a family name to protect. I can remember turning 16 and gradually tilting towards adulthood, it was also a time I was preparing for Uni ...

Curated By:
Author: @pravesh0

Community: Gaming Photography
The Beauty of Crimson Valley and its Dynamic Weather System
Hello and Welcome back to my blog! One of my favourite maps in theHunter: Call of the Wild is the Yukon Valley Nature Reserve. It has the most beautiful landscape I have seen in this game. Crimson Valley has to be the best place for nature lovers and for hunting animals ...
Author: @chauhandiary

Community: Threespeak
Departmental TriP | Memories for Life
Author: @jhymi

Community: Movies & TV Shows
YOU || A Sickly Sweet Psychological Thriller
A villain protagonist should be listed as one of, if not my very favourite trope when it comes to books and movies. Why? Because I believe in the imperfection of mankind. I believe that humans are innately flawed and are susceptible to doing bad things, if not sometimes, then all of the time, even though we try many times to be good ...

Curated By:
Author: @chosen03

Community: Hive Learners
Hello everyone, my name is Abisola Ifedolapo from the south western part of Nigeria Ogun State. I am pleased to be on this platform. Like I said in my title, I can be very shy and that's when I'm around new people. My liveliness around people is based on personal relationships ...
Introduce myself, Faizya Alya Oktaviani
Let me introduce myself, my name is Faizya Alya Oktaviani, this year I am 11 years old. I am in grade 5 of elementary school, my hobby is dancing. I know the hive blog from my mother @ndari . Mom wants me to learn to be a content writer, I like traveling and playing so I want to post my activities here ...
Author: @ladiesofhive

Community: Ladies of Hive
WINNERS: Ladies of Hive Contest #203
The 203rd edition of the Ladies of Hive CONTEST has come to a close and winners have been selected! We would like to thank everyone who participated! BIG THANKS goes to @sagarkothari88 for sending a bonus prize to all on the Winners List: a small amount of actual HivePower (HP) sent directly to the accounts of everyone on the Winners List! Winners will immediately begin benefitting from that prize and will earn APR on it, too! ...

Curated By:
Author: @karoly

Community: Hive Diy
Diseñando y confeccionando hermoso conjunto para jovencitas...Designing and making beautiful outfits for young girls...
Hola, muy buenas noches, para todos los amantes de la costura, el diseño, el arte , las manualidades y los nuevos retos. Espero que todos se encuentren bien, les deseo mucha buena vibra, mucho éxito y bienestar para sus negocios y familia, que al final, son los principales motores e impulsores en nuestras vidas. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Hello, very good evening, to all lovers of sewing, design, art, crafts and new challenges. I hope you are all well, I wish you a lot of good vibes, success and well being for your business and family, which in the end, are the main engines and drivers in our lives ...
Author: @leannwithdoublen

Community: Hive Diy
I Made A New Stickers I Am Into Dried Sunflower Vibe
Hello! How are you guys? Since our printer returned home, I can finally print many stickers again, yehet! which I feel excited about ...
Author: @mclarenf11

Community: Hive Gaming
[Es/En] 🎮Jugué en una PlayStation 5 🤍 con Amigos🎮
Español Photo taken by the author Hola Gamers ¿Cómo están? Espero que estén super bien y sean bienvenidos a una nueva publicación hecha por mí. Estamos en plena novena generación de consolas, las consolas más destacadas del mercado son la PlayStation 5 y la Xbox series X/S, a mi me gustaría tener las dos consolas, pero mi situación económica tiene otros planes, no obstante, ahora les puedo comentar que tuve el privilegio de probar las dos consolas, la vez anterior fue una Xbox series S y hoy nos toca hablar de mi experiencia jugando una PlayStation 5. Photo taken by the author Lo único que diré es que la consola es majestuosa ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 72 Discord servers, with over 8057 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris
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