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Populist Culture Aggregator is Back, Must-Read Exclusive Report, Focus on [Illegal] Migration

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Welcome to Populist Culture | Archives: 13 Nov 2018

Populist Culture has gone operational. We are your Forward Operating Base in the digital jungle of the information superhighway, probing deep into hostile territory and collecting material – often directly from the source – in order to most accurately disseminate the information to a widely neglected audience. Veterans, active-duty military, populists and patriots of all stripes now have an FOB to call home, a place to gear up for the #culturewar being waged against our people by an enemy we cannot see, for reasons many are only beginning to comprehend.

Check back daily for breaking reports and the most important stories and events of the period, from the premier Independent and Alternative platforms, as well as exclusive, original content found nowhere else.


Update On UN Global Compact On Migration

CCN Cross Canada News | 21 Nov 2018



All nations across the world are facing absolutely certain imminent invasion by hordes of military-age male illegal aliens – the likes of which the world has never before witnessed. In only 3 weeks time international law – applied and enforced by your own nation’s compromised bureaucrats – will see you prosecuted and jailed for dissenting opinion or criticism against the invaders and unconstitutional policies. Europe's recent surge in cases of violent rape, assault and ghastly murder – directly linked to the industrial scale illegal mass migration racket, funded and managed by traitorous Globalists – is a mere prelude to the onslaught of invading hordes set to be unleashed across the world.


Part 1 of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) Series

From the title to the very first words, the GCM is like a prolonged and sadistic slap in the face. This Orwellian document effectively legalizes mass illegal migration for profit, protects the invaders and outrageously penalizes criticism of those who will do us harm. It’s massive scope dwarfs Europe’s invasion by never-ending waves of lethal criminal interlopers. This mass wealth redistribution scheme will utterly shatter the world’s remaining middle class and crash wages internationally, to ensure those who opted out will not be able to compete in the new global market. The only group not consulted on this agreement is the general public – the hard-working tax-payers – because you simply weren’t relevant. You will pay for all of the GCM’s ridiculous, potentially fatal entitlements, one way or another. And, unless we take action together to stop it, our nations will suffer in isolation from the deadly-serious consequences of its implementation.

This Special Report is the first in a multi-part series. We've assembled some of the highest-calibre material – from some of the most qualified, highly regarded professionals – you've likely never seen. Prepare for a high resolution examination of the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration. We'll tear apart this legal word-salad and reassemble it in a language everyone in the West should clearly understand – English. This is a team effort. Everyone is welcome to come along for the ride. Whether you choose to remain in the rear with the gear or engage the enemy with us, non-violently of course, is up to you. Buckle up!


If one positive thing can be said of the UN and its associated cabal of organizations, it's their knack for keeping meticulous records. They provide the highest quality glossy graphs, reports and statistics (however inaccurate or biased) on their most profitable stock and trade – humans. It is strongly recommended that you download the full 34 page PDF report here or by visiting their website:

An important note for anyone not well acquainted with legal terminology: Unlike in traditional documents, words in legal documents are distilled down to their most literal essence, while each carrying considerable weight. Every word, term or phrase requires individual reflection and interpretation, in addition to context in relation to the statutes, sub-paragraphs and strange codes in which they're found. In short, legal documents, to the uninitiated, typically appear as undecipherable scripts containing an alphabet soup of words written in a foreign language. This is precisely the intent.


Summary of Events and Historical Context

Just before the yearly global shutdown of government for the traditional Christian holidays, the new extremist arm of the United Nations – the International Organization for Immigration (IOM) – will issue its promised gift to the world, when they present the final solution on the most important issue of our time. To understand how this all came to be, we must first take a peek into the past and explore the filthy-rich history of our magnanimous new benefactors.

A Brief History of the IOM

In 1951, the Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe was formed, apparently by someone lacking the military’s good sense for acronyms. The name is self-explanatory, as this was the period just after the end of WW2. By 1953 the name was prudently shortened to Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration. A bevy of other name changes followed.

In September of 2016 what became known as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was officially brought under the aegis of the United Nations (UN). Their primary stated goal is “to facilitate the orderly and humane management of international migration.” It turns out that moving people around is a lucrative business, particularly when you’re part of the key influencers creating the conditions for the “re-settlements,” controlling and profiting from every aspect of their movement – from inciting targeted conflicts and economic terrorism to preparing corporate and municipal infrastructure and strategically placing agents inside of foreign governments.

You see, these influencers have been studying the business model of human traffickers for over 50 years. They have arguably succeeded in dismantling this model. Well, not really – they haven’t stopped human trafficking at all. In fact, they just stole the plans and took over the business. They were never interested in stopping it – they just wanted to study all the ways in which they could profit. Now they’re just going to go ahead and legalize the whole scheme. Brilliant, really! In an insane and morally bankrupt sort of way.


The Set-Up

From Operation Sophia: A Failed Mission

—an (IOM) centre had “been quite productive in providing information to migrants so they are better informed about where they are going and what the risks are”.

—Operation Sophia “has altered the business model, but it has clearly not reduced the numbers... The model is not broken”.

—Operation Sophia was “trying to work with the police and the Ministry of Interior on understanding the intelligence angle”, in order to add “intelligence on the land about how smuggling groups are working”


The Payoff


IOM Corporate Partners

IOM works with private sector partners such as Microsoft, Google, Panasonic, SAS, ESRI, Deloitte and others. IOM Seoul has been building private partnerships with companies in the Republic of Korea since 2015. Last February, it signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Korea Telecom and the government of Bangladesh to build online social services in Moheshkhali, a remote island in Cox's Bazar, where there are many developmental and migratory challenges.

One thing the IOM, UN, EU and their Globalist partners in corporate crime failed to factor into their diabolical plan is that we may not be relevant in the long term – due to the fact we’re being replaced, marginalized and murdered into oblivion – But we are most certainly needed in the short term for their plans to succeed. Who else will pay for it all? It’s coming directly from our taxes. As for the handful of nations whose leaders opted out, you – the taxpayers – are still committed to paying billions annually in contributions to the UN and other globalist orgs. We still comprise the silent majority – time to break the silence! This can be initiated immediately with globally-applied systematic pressure, through such activities as boycotting all of the signatory organizations, sponsors and corporate partners, who not only profit off of the misery of those they conspire to displace, but also the European and Pan-American stock they seek to eradicate.


The Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, is conveniently taking place in Morocco – ostensibly to avoid accidental attendance by angry infidels – this 10th and 11th of December, 2018.

We’ll continue tomorrow, getting into the meat of the 34 page GCM and introducing you all to some very well respected and vocal allies against the Globalist Agenda.

Speak up while you still can.


Other Headlines Through 22 Nov 2018

(click on images to read full stories)

The UN Global Compact For Safe, Orderly And Regular Migration

Whale Oil Beef Hooked | 22 Nov 2018

The Croatian Government Accepts The UN Global Compact: The Public Be Damned

Defend Europa | 19 Nov 2018

Merkel Urges EU to Give up Sovereignty to Brussels 'in Orderly Manner'

Sputnik | 22 Nov 2018

More Than 10,000 Elderly Swedes Are Homeless – While Migrants Get Everything Free

Voice of Europe | 19 Nov 2018

UN Pact Will Legalize Mass Migration And Criminalize Criticism Of Migration, ENF Group Warns

Voice of Europe | 22 Nov 2018


Youtube Videos

The U.N. is Trying to Take Over All Decisions on Migration – The Global Pact

The Red Elephants Vincent James | 6 Nov 2018

What Lauren Southern Isn't Telling You

[Israel Funds NGOs & Takes No "Migrants"]

Squatting Slav TV | 20 Nov 2018


Tell The Truth | 24 May 2018

Westernkind as an Extended Family

Poseidon | 3 Nov 2018


As you may have noted, no MSM articles were featured in this segment. Nor will they be – ever! The Media of Mass Deception gets enough free promotion of their propaganda. They currently control the narrative almost completely, as they engage in mass censorship, de-platforming, removing of revenue streams and payment processing platforms. They’re literally deleting their competition out of existence. At this very moment, they’re working with the major search engines to unfairly and undeservingly rank in the top results, while systematically suppressing or eliminating vastly superior and more accurate content. Populist Culture will counter this process by continually scouring the internet, showcasing much of this high caliber content and re-establishing the severed links which reveal the complete story. Wait until you see what you’ve been missing!

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Media Evolved