Past and Present

Present becomes past.
Present is resisting to become past.
But as time flows, past is surrounded by present like below.

Past is resisting to be disappeared.
But it’s a matter of time.

Sometimes I could find old buildings in the center of Seoul. The old buildings are no more harmonious with neighborhood.

This unbalance is the symbol of our past
Past preserves memories.
The memories of Past is not so pleasant for me, because those memories reminded me of the harsh difficulties of my parents’ generation.
Those memories were preserved in the old houses and buildings.

I don’t like forget the harsh time that my parents walked through.

My kids don't want to hear me of the difficult time that I had experienced.

Disappearing of old buildings seems to me that we lost my memory on the my parent’s generation.

So I am taking the photos when I come across old and ruined households.

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