I Love Big Ticket Sales

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$1,600 Day While Traveling

This is true. Saturday while taking some time to meet my daugther and her friend in Michigan, I had some big-ticket sales come through. When you have your online business setup with some automation, these things seem to happen almost magically. These big-ticket sales came through on autopilot, all I did was read the alerts announcing the sales. This is not something that happens overnight.

Quite honestly to achieve any amount of online success requires training. This can not be the outdated PLR manual for marketing or something designed for the already successful marketer. This training must cater to the most basic beginner.

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How Frustrating is Free Training?

There are a lot of platforms that offer what is called free training. Most platforms have some sort of training to acclimate you to their platform or some type of quick start guide. There are those that announce free training but all it provides is how to use the platform, no real marketing training.

That is why when I built my site I wanted to provide the basic training that will encourage and direct the new marketer to quick success by cutting through all of the product hype. On my site when you complete the training you get $10 in your commission's account. Once the training is complete you are well on your way to earning your first commission. If you have any questions, you can contact me on WOWApp or submit a support ticket.

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The Scary Part of Big Ticket

The scariest part of dealing with big-ticket items is that it is a pay-to-play model. Zig Ziglar said (I paraphrase) “Do not sell anything that you, yourself have not bought. For example, if you want to make a $400 commission selling a $1,000 product, then you must purchase the $1,000 product yourself. That is what I mean by pay-to-play, you must buy the product before you can sell the product.

This has happened many times with many people. They jump into an opportunity and pony up the $1,000 to take advantage of the opportunity. This person has the pressure of the dollar amount and trying to learn something new. Not just learn but master well enough to start earning. That is why I offer not only training but personal coaching so I can guide the new marketer to profit as soon as possible. This is why I feel it is my responsibility to be available to those that have joined any of my businesses.

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The Fun Part of Big Ticket Sales

The fun part of big-ticket sales is the adrenaline of making these types of commissions. I appreciate all of the commissions that I earn. It is easier to celebrate a $400 commission vs a $13 commission. It is not just the big sale but also the opportunity to help someone else achieve that really good "laptop lifestyle".

The bragging rights are also a lot of fun. When I am out socializing and I read a sales alert on my phone, and I tell my friends the amount of the commission, and bam $400 creates a lot of shocked faces. Watching the Steelers game and making money, reading a book and making money, sleeping and making money.

Walk A Mile…

Before you judge the big-ticket business model give it a try. I know that is kind of provocative, but it needed to be said. I have always been a big believer in picking your upline with care. The person you signed up under needs to take a vested interest in your success. This is the worst of our industry the absentee marketers.

If you played any team sports ever in your life whether for your school or a casual pickup game at the park, then you know win or lose depends on every member of the team. Each team member must coach the other especially when a person stumbles. Business is no different the same rules apply. If you are a part of a good team with a knowledgeable coach then you will win.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.

If you are not getting paid daily my Contact Info is below
reach out and we can talk.

Telegram: Rob's Telegram

WowApp: The Messenger That Pays You

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