Trading opportunities at the bear market

The bear trend is still not done on the crypto market , or at least at the moment it is not showing 100% signs that we are done with the bear market through there are many predictions that crypto like bitcoin might have reached its bottom at the $17,000 price zone..

Well these are just predictions of what some traders think about the present crypto market , but predictions does not mean it will always happen or that it is certain it will happen.

Well whether the bear market have ended or not , you can keep buying the dip ,buying the dip still remains one of the strongest advice on the crypto market ,but I know how it can be hurting when you invest on the market and it seems that the market of that particular crypto keeps going down , it hurts when you buy the dip but the dip keeps getting dipper.....But should you stop buying the dip? ? No!!!!!!

The aim is to always ensure that you buy low and sell high , so when bitcoin or a particular crypto is going down in terms of price , then that is an opportunity for you to buy such crypto at a rate which is cheap , it is during the bearish market that you can buy your favourite coins at a price which is cheap , during
the bullish market you will be buying at an expensive price.. So that is why the bear market is an opportunity for an investor to buy more quanity of coins at a cheap price , more like a discount..

Can you now see that even the bear market also present us with some good opportunities , the best time to buy a coin at discount is during the bear market , the bull market would not make it possible for you to buy a coin at a cheap price..

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