The Return Of The Hardest Contest To Win On The Blockchain


I had a lot of fun with this when I first joined 'the blockchain that shall remain nameless'...

I had a new account, no followers, and practically no engagement on my posts...So I decided to take matters into my own hands and have a little bit of fun to get 'noticed'.

It was called the 'Hardest Contest To Win' and trust me...Nothing will change ;)

First, the rules...

  1. Comment on this post! You can say hi, talk about how awesome HIVE is, or the weather...I just wanna engage with you :)
  2. Make sure you follow me and @clicktrackprofit (I smell really good...And the CTP tribe is awesome!)
  3. Bonus: Tell your friends about it, or re-blog it...But not required..!!!!

And....That's it!

And that folks...Is why we call it the 'hardest contest to win on the blockchain!'....

Ok, that's the rules...Here's what you are playing for :)

  1. Top Prize of 1000 HIVE Power Delegation for a month!
  2. Second Prize of 100 HIVE Tokens
  3. 3rd, 4th and 5th Place Prizes of 25 HIVE each!

How will the prizes be awarded?

We'll do the live drawing on Thursday April 23rd on our Thursday Night Live webinar!

We'll go through all the comments and make sure you guys followed the SUPER HARD rules of entry and then randomly pick the winners using

I know....Super hard!

O.K. Jon...What's the catch and why are you doing this?

I appreciate every single opportunity I get to engage with members of the HIVE community, and want to have a little bit of fun while getting people into the habit of commenting more...On my posts, but mostly on HIVE overall.

I believe in engagement and think it's most critical aspect of HIVE's growth.

Also, as I've done this before, I know how powerful it can be to help my accounts get new followers. I want to raise awareness specifically to the CTP Tribe and that's why we're working to get new followers @clicktrackprofit

And...Without a shadow of a doubt...I love giving away stuff lol

If you've been to any of our webinars on Monday or Thursday nights, you'll know how much we love doing giveaways. This is just a fun way I think, to add some value to your journey here on HIVE!

And that's it....

The Hardest Contest To Win On Hive has begun....Good luck and thanks for playing along :)


We'd love to have you in our tribe and community :) - Our Tribes Front End



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