I Love a good Hows ya Going


Since coming onto the Block Chain I have found some great communities and engaged with them.

One thing I have found is that you can write a post about something and it will possibly get a few up votes but does not necessarily get an y comments.

What is this about – do people just randomly up vote posts for the sake of it.

Getting people to make great comments on your posts , I have noticed only comes from a couple of communities, which sends me the message that there are some communities that take the word community as the main focus for being on a social platform.

Now what I have noticed is that the people that up vote posts without commenting, yes get a curatorial fee for doing so but are missing out on so much more.

Being able to converse with people is what makes a community strong. Commenting on a post means that you have actually read what has been said and are able to engage from an informed point of view.

Commenting on posts also come with a fee so it’s a win win all around.

Now comes the other part, if you intelligently comment on others posts and enter into a discussion with them then they will respond to your comment and a dialogue is opened up. This will also result in your comments being up voted and up voting the comments on a post is another win win.

So when you up vote a post, make sure you read it, make a comment and read the other comments, up vote the other comments and comment back.

This is all good engagement and will not only increase your wealth and voting power but will increase your network and community.

For me I am working on expanding the community – communities that I am a part of and through this expansion I know that I will gain great wealth of information, Knowledge and ultimately the accumulation of Financial wealth.

Step by step he slowly creeps, Friendships formed will always keep.


I aim to engage with as many people as I can that create great community content and engage with others by sharing their journey.

I will be up-voting posts that I believe are great community sharing posts everyday

I will select one post a day to get a 100% up vote from me and will post this banner as well as comment on that post.



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