Freedom Food

I haven't posted for a while because my desk, computer, sewing table, and knitting hoard had to be moved and consolidated to clear a room for one of my sons. Thanks in part to the awful economy, he is staying with us for a short time to save and plot his next move.

I utterly despise the installed regime in Washington, D.C. There is no reason for the economy to be bad now except that those monsters in government WANT it that way. They hate us. Our culture, our faith, our families, our determination to live as free Americans.

Determined that my family will not eat bugs like the commies want us to do, I have been preserving food, storing staples like beans and flour, and knitting lots of warm winter stuff. The photo here shows pear "mincemeat" pie filling and spiced pears. A friend had a bumper crop of pears and we are trying all the pear recipes we can find. I have a box of them to turn into pear sauce and pear butter.

My Revolutionary foremothers gardened, spun, and wove to free themselves from British taxes. Now we face a determined foe in the Left and in the spineless GOP. Time
for libertarian mamas to lead the way.

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