IAAC - Day 127 There are Dinosaurs amongst Us

Today is Wednesday, October 6th and I am happy to be alive.

There are a few lizards that live around our house. We see them climbing the trees and on the side of the house all the time. Well the tree in front of the house, its trunk curves up and sort of has a level spot on it before curving back up.

Lately we have been seeing a lizard laying on that part of the trunk. I happened to have my phone with me so I would take a picture then take a few steps closer. I wanted to make sure I had at least one photo of it. After taking this shot, I took a step and the lizard disappeared to the other side of the tree. I guess I was lucky to get this close.

When I was sharing this photo, they said it looked like a dinosaur on a distant hill. So I guess dinosaurs do walk amongst us.

Lizard 2.PNG

We had a rain a few days ago. The rain lilies are now blooming all over the yard. It is a simple white star shaped flower on a single stem that grows from a bulb. It is always pretty a few days after the rain when these white flowers are dotted across the yard.

Rain Lilly.PNG

And to end with a few shots of the sunset.


Sunset 2.PNG

I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are:

IAAC guidelines.png

For more information please refer to their guide at https://www.wearealiveand.social/hive-155221/@wearealive/we-are-alive-tribe-the-guide

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