IAAC - Day 106 Let you content creation earn twice

Today is Wednesday, September 15th and I am happy to be alive.

I wrote an article about "The Keys to Financial Independence" https://ctptalk.com/@darmst5339/the-keys-to-financial-independence

I state you need to lower your expenses, make savings a priority and find ways to raise your income. Here is a suggestion of a way to raise your income at least a little bit. You already create content here on the Hive Platform. If you take and post what you have created over on Noise.cash, you would get paid again for your efforts.

I did a screen shot so you could see that I am earning for my post on Noise.cash that I posted first here on the Hive Platform. It is not much but I added my hive wallet address as my payment address in Noise.cash and when I get tipped it is deposited in my Hive account. I use these funds to invest in other projects to increase my earnings here. Here is my link to Noise.cash if you are not yet using that program to earn extra funds. https://noise.cash/u/darmst


Noise cash.PNG

I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are:

IAAC guidelines.png

For more information please refer to their guide at https://www.wearealiveand.social/hive-155221/@wearealive/we-are-alive-tribe-the-guide

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