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Change - Is change a choice (car or horse/blockchain or bank)

Over the past few years, the world has changed faster than over the past decade.

Not only has technology advanced at a faster pace but so has the mindset of each individual. This disease that has spread across the world has caused global change from lock downs to supply impacts. To how we approach work and our finances.


Change of How we work

A new study issued last month on March 16 shows that Work Flexibility is now more important than Pay for many employees.

I believe this change was driven by the unusual circumstances that were caused by the ongoing pandemic and also an underlying emotion that a lot of workers were already thinking about prior to 2020.

This is one of the best examples I could find about the impact of change. A few years ago, very few thought that the amount a person got paid for their work would be second to anything much less work flexibility

A New View of Change

The situations that are now occurring are driving people to change the way they look at life. Change and Life Happens. We must learn to deal with it.

Many people are changing the way they value their time. In the past, the amount you were paid was the number one item to consider when you were thinking about which job to take or if you worked for yourself or someone else.

Now it is more about what we can do with the time, how we spend it and in what amounts we spend on certain activities.

Is Change a Choice?

Do we have a choice to change? I would say, Yes but there is also a price of not changing.

You can choose to stay doing what you are currently doing or embrace the change.

Just think of where people would be if the automobile was never accepted and everyone still rode around on animals? There were some holdouts at the time but now people do not look at this as a choice any more.

Would you consider this a choice? Driving to work in a car or riding a horse to work..LOL I think not.

People now think about how they can afford to purchase a car and what type of options to have added.

Blockchain is akin to the Automobile

Take the technology called the "Blockchain". This is driving a shift in how many people do their finances. It has also opened up finances to the Unbanked, by this I refer to people that do not want to deal with banks or for some people where banks are not available or to expensive to do business with.

Currently, most people are either unaware of its existence and benefits it can provide, aware but fear changing to it because others think it is just a fad or Ponzi scheme or they see change approaching and are trying to understand it.

Hive Blockchain Platform

The Hive Blockchain provides plenty of options regarding "Work Flexibility and Finances". You can have an online business and also run most if not all of your finances on the blockchain. In five to ten years, I see the blockchain replacing banks on a grand level just like the automobile replaced the horse.

What will you Choose

Will you embrace change or will you be the one that is still seen riding a horse?