Where do I go from here?

Morning everyone,


Image by BradleyArrow, screen shot! (trying to source my images)

Where do I go from here? What a day for me yesterday on Steem and CTP Talk. As you can see by the screen shot above I got my first every over $10.0 post, more amazing that than for me is 244 upvotes. WOW.

So what did I learn. Steem Terminal are the best (https://discord.gg/XZGPGpz). What a fantastic supportive bunch in there. I am over whelmed with the support, praise and encouragement the are giving me. If you are not on Discord or not in the Steem Terminal chat get into it.

This person called @jongolson and his CTP Tribe. Same thing. I cannot believe that after 6 months on Steem and CTP Talk that I am not getting more support that I have every got.


I know, the people from Steem Terminal and CTP Talk are going to say, "I deserve it, I show up every day, I am getting better at blogging" but that does not take away the support.

I guess you could call this a follow up post to yesterday and a thank you post.

So what should that take away be for people that are struggling or new to Steem. What I just stated above. Below in not an order list, just a list.

  1. Show up every day.
  2. Blog everyday
  3. Engage with other people.
  4. Upvote others.
  5. Resteem others posts.
  6. Get on Discord
  7. Learn from people that have been here and take their advice.
  8. Join some contests that are ongoing.

My fav line and lots of other people also "If I can do it, you can do it"

And an example of that, this blog post. After yesterday I did not think I could write another post. Thought I had peaked. But here I am again. :)

Get at it people, show us what you got. Shine! Reach for the Stars. You might get surprised and grab one :)

Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter
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Have a great day all.


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