Morning fellow wonderful online people,



I have been asked, invited to a contest (https://steemit.com/contest/@brittandjosie/redfishreminder-for-a-great-contest-and-a-even-better-delegation-by-sgt-dan#@bradleyarrow/re-brittandjosie-202023t201758304z)

Have to write about why I love Steem and post it to Twitter.

I have to come up with a reason and the main one will be CTP Talk so let me get started.

The reason I love steem is because of the people I have met along the way. I would not have met them if it was not for CTP Talk. I am going to drop of few names along the way, forgive me if you feel left out.

My journey started when @jongolson relaunched Click Track Profit. He relaunched it onto the block chain. I new about block chains. I new about bitcoin and alt coins. Had played with them over the years. Now comes something I new (CTP) integrated with Steem. I sat and scratched my head and thought, well this could be a fantastic thing.

I sat and started reading, Jon has made what is called a tribe, named it CTP Talk, simple but it was perfect, after all Steem is all about Talking and the tribe being about Click Track Profit well, I hope you get it. I was hooked.

Now came the hard part. You want me to do what? Engage people everyday? Write everyday (that was the suggestion). Wow I thought, how in the world am I going to pull this off.

Inspiration. The first inspiration was money, crypto, you get rewarded from posting on Steem, you get rewarded for posting on CTP Talk. You earn crypto. Proof of Brain. My god, I was double hooked.

So 6 months ago I started, putting out anything I could think of for a blog post. I got encouragement. Does not have to be "Pulitzer prize" material I kept getting told. That is good I thought because mine wont be.

Then a few things started to happen. People in the CTP Talk community started to notice me. I was being noticed! WOW.
I think at first it was Jon, has we knew each other from old Click Track Profit days. Then a few others started to notice and encourage me. I am not sure of the order but fantastic people like @flaxz, @ph1102 and @pixiepost. They came to my side, to my aid, pushed me, helped me, gave me advice.

If you read though any of my previous blog posts you will get a much better feel for why I love Steem but I think I am getting it summed up pretty good here. So let me see if I can sum it up in one sentence.

I love Steem because: COMMUNITY - Steem & CTP Talk have some of the best community minded and helpful people there are.

That is why I love Steem. I was brought to the blockchain because of money (cyrpto) I stayed on the blockchain because of the COMMUNITY and it's people.

End of my contest post :)

Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter
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Have a great day all.


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