Hive is on the cusp of greatness. You can help.


Images in some quoted content are all from Why pHBD is Vital For the Mass Adoption of the Hive Ecosystem | Tell a Friend, Win $100 HBD!

Go read the fracking blog post. NOW.

"Imagine that... Billions of dollars flowing into the Hive ecosystem. That could radically change the lives of all of us here on Hive. All of the apps on Hive would benefit and all HIVE hodlers would get far wealthier. All of this is great for Hive and great for LeoFinance."

Is this the moment in time we are all going to look back on and 🤔: Holy fracking awesome sauce. We did it, we brought Hive main stream. Or are we going to look back and think. Shit I should have acted.

Even if you got no money, no HBD to put over to Poly do what I am doing. Blog about, reblog every post about it. Tell your offline friends.

"What We Need From Hive - Tell a Friend
What we need from the Hive Community and Ecosystem now is liquidity for pHBD. We need as much HBD as possible to flow into the pHBD-USDC pair. That's why the APR is currently 58%. We're trying to make it as beneficial as possible for the LPs, Hive Ecosystem and the PolyCUB Ecosystem as well.

If you're reading this as a Hive user, make sure you tell every other Hive user you can about the value proposition of pHBD. It's foundational to the success of Hive in the long-run in our opinion: once we seed deep liquidity to the tune of $1M+, we'll be able to start onboarding DeFi whales into stablecoin positions who will hodl HBD in the LP or on-chain for 20%.

There is no deposit fee for depositing liquidity in pHBD-USDC (for the time being, to incentivize early liquidity providers)
The pool is currently $238k which allows some smaller TXs around $500-$1000 to be pushed through with minimal slippage. More liquidity will allow a lot more DeFi users to leg-into an HBD position"

They are trying to get to 5 million. They got over 1/4 million in first day of launch. We can do this, Hive is the best crypto community on this planet.

Thus I am taking part in the writing contest. Nit because I want to win 100 HBD (I would not turn it down. Lol). But because I want to see Hive explode into the mainstream.

It is time for our future. Let's do this.

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Writing Contest:
"Why Every Hive User Should Stake pHBD-USDC If They Want HIVE and HBD to Gain Mass Adoption"

Tag your post with #phbd
Winner will get 100 HBD (chosen by the curators)
All posts tagged with #phbd will get curated by @leo.voter


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