A Warm Sunrise over the world of CTP Talk

Morning fellow CTP Talkers and Steemians,


It is 2:44 AM and I am up with a head ache so why not do my blog post.

This is how I feel about CTP Talk, I feel like the darkness is, has been, lifted on CTP Talk. It is coming into it's own.

And we are, I believe still a very young baby in the world of Steem.

Can you feel the excitement?

Over the last day I been, and it might seem silly to some, selling some of my CTP Tokens to buy CTP Miners. CTP Miners earn me CTP Tokens. The reason to do what seem silly? LONG HAUL. I am in this for the long haul. Sure I could sit on, stake 3k in tokens but my miners will make me tokens when I don't have a chance to get online (hope that never happens).

Leading me into the chart of trading for the CTP token. Someone bought up a lot between the time I went to bed and got up (about 4 hours). Some even sold for 1 Steem. WOW


So if you are not a member of the CTP Tribe yet get over here.

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Need some Free Crypto

I also got my 24 week badge today :D


I think I should wrap up and see if I can grab another 3 hours sleep before I have to get up for my day job.

Have a great day all.

Click Track Profit

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