Looking Ahead With CP

*Image made with Canva and original brush pen art by Bonnie Roberts

Hey! It's Bonnie Roberts back with Day 4 (oops forgot to post yesterday) of the #IAmAliveChallenge!


I hope you're having a great week!

Yesterday in California it got toasty and our power went out for a few minutes, but not long enough to get hot indoors thank goodness.

As the title of this post says, I'll be looking ahead with CP, which is Cerebral Palsy.

I have a very high functioning type of CP called Hemiplegia that effects mainly the right side of my body. Walking and carrying things can be done independent of one another, but balance is an issue when I try to do both...which I still try to do after 33 years.🙃

The doctors I've had couldn't explain exactly what caused CP(other than a possble missing chromosome), but it doesn't just effect my foot, leg, arm, and hand... it causes very blurry eye-sight and lessened hearing. My thought process is a little slower and my speech a bit lazy, but I do my best to get my point across in videos.

Beyond those ways that CP affects my life, it has taught me to use different items, like kitchen mixing spoons and tongues, to use in resourceful ways; such as, getting items off a shelf or picking things up off the ground.

CP has also made me more determined to live everyday as if its the last and that is why I love this challenge!

I am alive and I have myself, my amazing parents, sister, niece and nephew to thank for that!

Looking ahead with CP I see what my past has shown... and that is strength to get through the struggles and amazing possibilities.

Keep moving forward as if you've tackled each obstacle head on and nothing will be able to stand in your way!

See you next time for more about how to see life in a different filter.

Enjoy your day!
~Bonnie Roberts
My Website

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