Community is King Benefit From Engaging Get Involved


Computer Problems Solved

I had a few problems with my computer the last few days, then today it just died.

It is OK though i managed to fix it, however finding the issue took ages.

Well two days to be exact, i thought i had fixed it a few times 🤣

Turns out there was a lose connection in the base unit.

I think once Xmas is over it's time for an upgrade.

This kind of stressed me out as i was wanting to be much more active on the blockchain.


I am looking forward this month and into January as i will have Onboarded some family members and friends by then.

They will all bring something new to the Hive Blockchain.

One thing i will be teaching them is how to engage with other hiven's.

  1. Find a community on a subject you like.
  2. Read some community posts.
  3. Reblog posts you like.
  4. Upvote and genuinely comment on posts (try and add value)
  5. Follow and engage with at least 5 new people
  6. Respond to comments and continue more than once if possible. (It is called a conversation)
  7. Get involved, there are contests, challenges and giveaways all over the Hive Blockchain.

If you are organized and consistent you will have a good chance of winning some tokens and maybe making some new friends.

There can be a ton of excuses you can make to not be involved but if it was important enough to you you will make time.

The thing is if your building a business or community, networking is a must for it to grow and be successful.

We all need to ask ourselves sometimes, is what we are spending our time on productive in anyway.

If your spending all your time Neflix and chilling that's not helping your business or community.

It is easy to fall into the passive side of life, Crypto too and forget that there is a lucrative active side too.

Some entrepreneurs will say they struggle to network, then i hate to break it to you my friend but you are probably going to fail.

As entrepreneurs we have to problem solve it is what we do.

So if your problem is networking, take a course, just start a chat because if you want to build a successful business or community then you need to get involved.

I have mental health issues that has basically left me in a condition where i navigate and see the world differently from other people.

So if i can network with people so can you.


👀I created New Video for a landing page.

I am putting together an email course showing people simple tasks online that they can do to create cash flow.

But more than that i wanted to find as many ways to reward people online as i could, so i could reward them for the process of taking the journey no matter what platform they use.

This is new and will be developed, people that stay on the list and give feedback will receive random airdrops from me.

This maybe crypto, cash or NFT's

I am not making promises or guarantees, as i grow this so will the rewards and the regularity of them.

Did you know by having a certain type of secure browser i could tip you with Crypto.?

Did you know i could send you cash and Crypto just with an app?

Did you know that on a certain type of platform we could reward each others posts with Crypto?

This is all just tools you use and activities you are doing online anyway i am just creating a reward system around it.

In fact you can do this for others too.

Reward The Process

Start Earning Today

Let's make it happen

Watch The Video


I found Luke


Other Hive News

He-Index had their first birthday


Do you need a way to accept and swap Hive Tokens for less fees?



Don't Forget To Join My List


Have a blessed day😎


The ball i made today is for @peakd they are a front end, a connection to the Hive blockchain.


They offer tools, graphs and an easy referral link for Onboarding people.

Once you PEAKD you never want to come down.

I am going to be creating these all through December it started as part of a contest here on Hive.

Contest created by @brittandjosie

👉Come on HIVE Show me your balls👍

You can enter as many times as you want,

winning is always possible.

Your hive ball needs to be for :

a community,
a tag,
a hiver,
a frontend,
a discord
or dapp.

This is a contest, you can create your own balls HERE

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1 column