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3 Steps no excuses Day 21. Show up Every Day


Wow I have been doing this every day for three weeks now.
I am surprising myself.
Before this challenge started I was barely able to show up twice a week to do my marketing work because I have a day job that can make it very difficult sometimes.
I ran across this challenge and decided that what ever reasons I was using for not showing up was ultimately just an excuse.

We only have a limited amount of time every day so take advantage of it

Now I think I have proven it to myself
Excuses are excuses no matter how you look at it.
I have made adjustments. Getting up earlier , Preparing the night before, and getting support are just a few.

Go to Click Track Profit and sign up if you haven't already.
Part of todays challenge is to go to webinars . I will be attending a couple this weekend.
Maybe I will create my own.

The point is to show up every day and do 3 things that benefit your business.
Since I am completely revamping my email lists that will be my focus this weekend.
Having my autoresponder set up is the most important thing that I need to do right now.
I wrote my first Luke is alive post last night and want to also write a new I am Alive post this weekend.
I am on a roll and I have to say a big part of that is getting the support from this community.
If you are not plugged into the Telegram group for Click Track Profit yet go do it now.
It has been wonderful for me.
Thank you