Facebook's Libra Is A Threat To Cryptos United

Hello steemians,
How are you doing today?
It's been a while since I posted something on cryptonews.
During my small research this weekend, I discovered something that has been bugging some people about this upcoming coin that has been well know by many, more than soo many existing coins.
Libra was believed to have infested its threats to BTC allow but the truth remains hidden.
Today, I want to tell you that it's bigger than what some people might have been saying between Libra and BTC.
While I was researching, I got this very news on pivot.one
Libra Already More of a Brand Than Ethereum or XRP: eToro Research
What a wonderful world.
It's not just what I saw on pivot, I also went to google to check the most searched words on Google from January to this very July, only to discover that Libra was among the top 50 in the whole wide world.
What a name.
Does it means that crypto currency is now equal to Libra or that Cryptos means Libra?
Just some days ago, the US Senate were deliberating on the gate of Libra against the unstable nature of top cryptos in the market, Libra also got some thumbs up based on its goal.
So if Libra gets the right to exist, does it means that other coins would either loose value or get banned?
What are the aims of this very Libra since it's going to oppose the strength of other coins?
Am just asking.
For those who have been waiting for the announcement of this very coin, be guided for there are many fake sites that will pup-up on that day, if eventually it would come to pass.
I'm daniella619 and am trying to make common sense.

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