Electroneum will be the next big Thing after Bitcoin

Free to join Electroneum one of the next big cryptocurrency.

Electroneum adalah salah satu start up Blockchain Technology yang bergerak dalam mata uang digital. Saat ini pembelian token atau coin electroneum sebagai mata uang digital hanya bisa dilakukan di website Cryptopia, yaitu salah satu exchange khusus mata uang digital. Tapi untuk beberapa waktu ke depan, electroneum akan di perjualbelikan melalui exchange lain seperti Liqui, HitBTC, Poloniex, Evercoin, Bittrex, Bitfinex, Livecoin, dan Exmo.

Electroneum dibuat sangat user friendly, karena di khususkan untuk dapat digunakan pada smartphone android dan iOS. Tidak seperti Bitcoin atau alternatif coin lain yang memerlukan mesin-mesin dengan processor, GPU bahkan mesin ASIC (Application-specific integrated circuit) yang memerlukan biaya serta daya besar. Pemilik smartphone dapat melakukan penambangan cukup dengan handphone.

Saat ini, ada beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan token electroneum (ETN) selain pembelian melalui cryptocurrency exchange (cryptopia), yaitu dengan melakukan penambangan, mengikuti program claim faucet di channel ETN Bot telegram atau menjalankan program afiliasi seperti yang di cantumkan dalam app wallet pada smartphone.

Untuk melakukan penambangan sangat mudah, karena softwarenya bisa di download di website electroneum dan dapat dijalankan pada platform windows maupun linux.

Berikut adalah daftar lengkap pool khusus electroneum dengan berbagai spesifikasinya:

  1. Pool Name: ElectroneumSpace Pool
    Pool Address: https://www.electroneum.space
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 10 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0.1%
    Connected Miners: 6834
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 14:08:49
    Pool Hashrate: 41311.9 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 6.05 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 148

  2. Pool Name: Hash Vault
    Pool Address: https://electroneum.hashvault.pro
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 50 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0.9%
    Connected Miners: 2528
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 14:00:35
    Pool Hashrate: 14081.3 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 5.57 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 60

  3. Pool Name: EasyHash
    Pool Address: https://easyhash.io/pools/etn
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 10 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 1.9%
    Connected Miners: 1871
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 11:47:56
    Pool Hashrate: 3199.81 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 1.71 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 10

  4. Pool Name: ELECTROMINE
    Pool Address: http://www.electromine.fr/#!/app/home
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 20 ETN
    Pool Rating: 6 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0%
    Connected Miners: 945
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 13:59:42
    Pool Hashrate: 2974.61 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 3.15 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 12

  5. Pool Name: US Hashparty
    Pool Address: http://us-etn-stats.hashparty.io/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 10 ETN
    Pool Rating: 5 / 10
    Pool Fee: 1.5%
    Connected Miners: 1352
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 12:43:51
    Pool Hashrate: 1864.69 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 1.38 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 10

  6. Pool Name: UK Hashparty
    Pool Address: http://uk-etn-stats.hashparty.io/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 5 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0.25%
    Connected Miners: 549
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 08:51:42
    Pool Hashrate: 753.464 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 1.37 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 3

  7. Pool Name: Us Pool
    Pool Address: https://uspool.electroneum.com/
    Pool Type: official
    Payment Threshold: 20 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 4%
    Connected Miners: 2526
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-17 21:20:48
    Pool Hashrate: 699.17 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.28 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  8. Pool Name: Eu Pool
    Pool Address: https://eupool.electroneum.com/
    Pool Type: official
    Payment Threshold: 20 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 4%
    Connected Miners: 2410
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 14:06:30
    Pool Hashrate: 458.465 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.19 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 2

  9. Pool Name: Asia Pool
    Pool Address: https://asiapool.electroneum.com/
    Pool Type: official
    Payment Threshold: 20 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 4%
    Connected Miners: 1696
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-17 11:18:07
    Pool Hashrate: 0 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.00 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  10. Pool Name: Mining Kitten
    Pool Address: minekitten.io
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 5 ETN
    Pool Rating: 4 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0%
    Connected Miners: 218
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 05:06:41
    Pool Hashrate: 153.754 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.71 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 1

  11. Pool Name: ETN UAX
    Pool Address: https://electroneum.uax.io/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 2 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0.5%
    Connected Miners: 135
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 03:46:31
    Pool Hashrate: 151.658 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 1.12 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 1

  12. Pool Name: Dark-mine
    Pool Address: https://etn.dark-mine.su
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 10 ETN
    Pool Rating: 2 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0%
    Connected Miners: 31
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 00:09:13
    Pool Hashrate: 98.033 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 3.16 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 1

  13. Pool Name: ETNPOOL.CLUB
    Pool Address: http://etnpool.club
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 10 ETN
    Pool Rating: 2 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0.5%
    Connected Miners: 29
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 03:07:40
    Pool Hashrate: 62.886 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 2.17 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 3

  14. Pool Name: ETNPOOL.ca
    Pool Address: http://etnpool.ca/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 2 ETN
    Pool Rating: 5 / 10
    Pool Fee: 1%
    Connected Miners: 75
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-14 03:21:14
    Pool Hashrate: 43.2735 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.58 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  15. Pool Name: UCrypto
    Pool Address: http://ucrypto.com/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 2 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 2%
    Connected Miners: 107
    Block Last Found: 1970-01-01 01:00:00
    Pool Hashrate: 36.5235 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.34 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  16. Pool Name: ETNPool.net
    Pool Address: https://etnpool.net
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 1 ETN
    Pool Rating: 2 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0%
    Connected Miners: 26
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-18 07:38:16
    Pool Hashrate: 33.905 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 1.30 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 1

  17. Pool Name: CryptoCoins.Club
    Pool Address: http://etn.crypto-coins.club/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 10 ETN
    Pool Rating: 5 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0%
    Connected Miners: 11
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-13 07:15:05
    Pool Hashrate: 7.643 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.69 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  18. Pool Name: ElectroneumCharts
    Pool Address: http://pool.electroneumcharts.com/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 2 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 1%
    Connected Miners: 9
    Block Last Found: 2017-11-28 18:24:46
    Pool Hashrate: 1.08816 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.12 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  19. Pool Name: ETNCHINA.io
    Pool Address: etnchina.io/pools
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 1 ETN
    Pool Rating: 1 / 10
    Pool Fee: 1%
    Connected Miners: 4
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-10 04:02:27
    Pool Hashrate: 0.462155 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.12 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  20. Pool Name: AsiaETNpool
    Pool Address: www.asiaetnpool.com
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 2 ETN
    Pool Rating: 3 / 10
    Pool Fee: 1%
    Connected Miners: 2
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-11 01:08:54
    Pool Hashrate: 0.0139833 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.01 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  21. Pool Name: EarthPool.net
    Pool Address: earthpool.net
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 5 ETN
    Pool Rating: 5 / 10
    Pool Fee: 1.2%
    Connected Miners: 81
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-11 01:57:26
    Pool Hashrate: 0 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.00 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

  22. Pool Name: Electroneum OVH
    Pool Address: http://electroneum.ovh/
    Pool Type: thirdparty
    Payment Threshold: 5 ETN
    Pool Rating: 5 / 10
    Pool Fee: 0.5%
    Connected Miners: 0
    Block Last Found: 2017-12-11 09:17:41
    Pool Hashrate: 0 kH/s
    Average Miner Hashrate: 0.00 kH/s
    Blocks Found Today: 0

Saat ini mendapatkan electroneum masih cukup mudah dan cepat. Seperti halnya bitcoin, penambangan electroneum ini semakin lama tingkat kesulitan makin bertambah dan untuk mendapatkannya akan semakin lama.

Electroneum pada masa ICO yang berakhir pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2017 dijual seharga $0.01 per coin ETN. Dan saat ini harga per coin nya sudah mencapai $0.094. Tidak menutup kemungkinan dalam beberapa bulan kedepan harganya bisa mencapai $1 atau bahkan puluhan dollar.
Seperti halnya bitcoin yang pada awalnya hanya berharga $0.003 USD dan sekarang sudah mencapai $19,061.40 USD. Electroneum pun bisa mencapai harga yang cukup fantastis.

Setelah penemuan internet dan website, penemuan umat manusia terbesar saat ini adalah Blockchain Technology.
Tidak ada ruginya untuk mulai mengenal dan memanfaatkan teknologi ini untuk kepentingan dan keuntungan kita.


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