What if the blockchain wasn't anarchistic?

I know I'll get called a communist, but what the hell.

What if the block reward and the transaction fees didn't go to miners only?

What if 50% of them went to a special smart contract that was like the DAO, only with a non-profit perspective?

What if this fund had decentralized governance and allowed us as a community to decide what to spend the accumulated funds on?

We could decide to spend the money on cryptocurrency ads in order to increase its adoption, or we could spend them on an educational program, or we could start a mission to Mars, or... countless of possibilities. I don't know what we would spend them on (whatever it is, it would be what we deserve), but it would be up to us.

We don't have to live in anarchy. I don't mean to start the crypto-socialism, but it could be somewhere in-between.

Don't know about you, but I think it would be pretty cool.

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