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Notes from a recient Clif High Interview

Below are my notes while listening the a Clif High interview (Jan 28,2018) There are lots of "Clif High" interviews on YouTube that are fake, or copied from old ones.  If you have the time to watch it, go do that, otherwise I'm trying to distill out the high points for you.

I bought and read his "Soaring Twenties" report in December.  

Also the interviewer has a Steemit post.  

Here's the notes:

7:00  BTC loses % of total market share, but its' growth curve rhymes with last year.

8:00 last report was long term because of the high amount of change in next 5 years.

9:30 Riots in streets will happen, but regional and poor areas.

revolution won't be peaceful, the violence is needed to power through.

10min Hyper inflation--Possible roaring 20's style or Post war Germany style.

People will start spending their BTC when it's $100K. (Max Keiser said it, and Clif agrees.)

14:00 Crypto is a RedPill force.

15:30 Laws, finance etc will have to massively change. Average Americans will get really squeezed by inflation by 2nd half of this year.

17:00 currently about 1-4% of people are in crypto we're getting to 15% this year.

19m lots of scams, etc. from greed effect.

20m companies will make crypto based services.  (Populous lending cuts out banks 38% of their revenue)

22m 3 attempts by the PTB for "new money" 2 fail, 3rd limps along.

24m by 2022 it will feel like centuries have passed.

Box Mining will take off.

25m Box mining everyone will do it in their house etc.

29m silver, gold, & stocks will keep grinding their way higher. But the stock system is corrupt, and IPOs will dry up and become ICOs.

31:30 Silver will suddenly become an strategic metal.  and jump to actually price discovery.

33m Gold is rare for the same reason that Diamonds are rare.

35 they are going to keep pushing real estate prices up.

36 but it will be spotty, as long as regional banks are able to loan it.  Once the regional bank fails, then there will be a correction.

38 Data says Fed will turn to Crypto in 2018 to increase efficiencies for a economic reason.  Smart contracts?

40m (start seeing it in June?) 

41m Piller wallet from a non-organization organization will be serious competitor to ETH.

44m by end of 2018 13.5% of Americans will be in Crypto. Currently about 1.5%, maybe 3-4% of financially aware.

46m BTC 80K this year.

47m will any coins pass BTC? No as a surety & it has stronger emotional attachment then silver in gold.

48m BTC will be the new "Gold standard" and be the method of settlement between sovereign states.

49m BTC (Rootstock) contracts. 

Silver will make electronics much more efficient. 

55m Veritasium will be sought out by gov when they have problems.

59m Flat earth theory refutation-- You wouldn't need trig for navigation. Sailing is impossible without trig, and we've been using it for 14thousand years (maps of antiartic w/o ice.) 

A few things afterward

Clif stated that the Pillar-wallet, Veritasium, and  Populous teams are all very different but he has interviewed them and is betting on them as people.