Ethereum Dapp Introduces New And Unique Way To Earn Cryptocurrency (video tutorial)

Hi, everyone !

Today I would like to talk about STIXEX platform, which allows its users to earn Ether by speculating on the colour of the next candlestick in ETH/USD price chart. To my knowledge, STIXEX is the only platform in the world to allow this type of trading method. So without further ado, let me enumerate many advantages of this platform and show you how to use it.

How does it work ?

  • Traders are presented with a simple choice of red or green candle. Entry or exit price has no influence on trade profitability, all that matters is the colour of the next candlestick in the price chart.

  • Winning trades receive fixed 80% payout (paid in Ether). Even if your candlestick moves just 1 cent, you would still receive fixed 80% profit, all that matters is the colour of the next candlestick. This method significantly simplifies trading process.

  • Price data is provided by Bitfinex, one of the oldest and most liquid exchanges. To make sure that STIXEX data is accurate, traders can always compare it with Bitfinex by visiting its website.

  • STIXEX does not require traders to open an account or register, you can start trading right away. All trades are done between platform's smart contract and user’s Metamask wallet, STIXEX never has access to clients’ wallets or their private keys.

  • No withdrawal limits. Profits are available for withdrawal 1-2 hours after trade is complete (between 7am - 5pm UTC).

  • STIXEX uses tradingview interactive charts with many tools and indicators to help you conduct technical analysis in order to make more informed trading decisions.

How to place a trade

At the moment you can only bet 0.1ETH on each new 30-minute candlestick using the same ethereum account. This amount is preset for every trade, so you don't have to enter it manually. if you wish to place bigger trades, you can use multiple accounts from the same metamask wallet simultaniuosly. But I would recommend that you start small and don't overtrade.

To start trading you will need to install Metamask. It's an Ethereum wallet that lets you connect to the Ethereum blockchain, you can dowload it for free at Once your wallet is installed and funded you can initiate your trades with only two clicks.

  • Decide whether next candle will be red or green and click on a corresponding button.

  • Click on "confirm" button in a Metamask pop-up window to submit your transaction. That's it !

For detailed instructions on how to install Metamask wallet and use it to place trades on STIXEX platform, please watch this short video:

Possible profit scenario

Keep in mind that STIXEX is not going to make you rich quick, it wasn't built for that. But if you remain disciplined and apply proven trading strategies that I will talk about in my future posts, you can easily earn 7% - 10% daily, which can accumulate to a few hundred dollars each month. Let me give you an example.

Statistically, even if you are not using any trading strategies and just blindly guessing, in the long run you will still be correct 50% of the time. For example, if you randomly place 10 trades, on average 5 of them will be profitable. But if you can guess correctly on just one trade above this average, then you will be making 8% profit, or more, each day. In other words, if you can win 6 trades out of 10, you will make 8% profit. Let me show you simple calculations to prove this point.

Can I test STIXEX platform without using real Ether ?

Yes. All you have to do is visit STIXEX website, join their Telegram group, and post a simple message “I would like to test STIXEX”. Admin will reply to your message and ask you for your Rinkeby Testnet address so they can send you some test Ether.

To get Rinkeby testnet address just click on Metamask logo in your browser and switch from Main Network to Rinkeby Test Network. Now copy your address, go back to Telegram and send it to admin. Admin will send you some test Ether to your Rinkeby account so you can place a trade.

Thanks for reading!

Ethereum trading-New platform allows speculating on the color of the next candlestick in the price chart

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