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Buy the Rumor, Sell the news

As a new person in the crypto community and markets this seems to be a big singular theme . As everyone is trying to get rich as soon as possible and shoot the moon or buy a lambo. We are all chasing the next big coin and usually buying in while it is going up and getting left holding after it goes down because we still do not have a grasp on the markets or how they operate( I use we in these observations because I am guilty of this as well). In my short span of trading and learning I have seen it already multiple times(DGB, ANS/NEO, LBRY, and as I am writing this MGO) After we celebrate the profits, we sell after it starts to dip or after it bottoms out and don't hodl because the next conference or new coin is showing up and we want to be a part of it thus repeating the cycle.

Buy the rumor, sell the news. Easier said then done. When everything is looking up and you don't want to sell because look at the price rise! That is probably the best time to sell, but I am not an expert. Just hard headed and hoping not everyone will have to learn the hard way like myself. One of the best things I have read from some of the traders that have been doing this awhile is take your profits, don't be greedy. Some of us get 50-100% profits and still want to hang on. Take your investment out and play with the houses money.
