Ethereum Classic - Will it rise or fall?

As we all know by now, the Ethereum Classic is on a downtrend. This has lasted a while. Until now.


We have seen a strong support at the 15 USD line in the recent times, off which the price has bounced several times. This leads me to believe that ETC will have a strong and steady support at this specific point in the future as well. That is good news for the holders and people considering getting in to this coin at a good price.

So I see a bullish market from here on out, and I would suggest a buy level of $15,75 to $16.
Short term I would say $18-$20 sell level, but I can see it going even higher, maybe even break the $23 resistance we have seen a couple times. But for now it seems to be an okay range to trade in.

Disclaimer: My analysis is subjective and is based on personal experience with the market. I am not to be held responible for any loss or gain using my recommendations outlined in this post.

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