Nexo-Enjoy your crypto wealth today without selling your assets.

The crypto world:

In recent years we have seen the great advancement of cryptocurrency. Since 2009 when the first cryptocurrency(bit coin) came into existence,many investors have trooped into the crypto world because of its daily increase in value. And everyday new investors still emerge. Many today have little or no cash at hand because most of their assets are in cryptocurrencies.

With this increase one might wonder "how do I spend cash without losing my crypto's?". No doubt everyone involved in cryptocurrency would agree that it's better to save your money in cryptocurrencies than in actual cash, this is because the cryptocurrency are safer and more prone to better growth in the future.

If only there was a well recognized organization who has been tested and trusted to be secured can come to our aid by providing us needed cash and be in possession of the cryptos as a collateral but would return the crypto back to us when we pay back the cash with a little interest.That would have been great, infact that could have been the greatest thing of all time.

Wait.... Did I hear you say there is?

I bring to you NEXO........


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Nexo is the answer to many questions and problems faced by crypto users in respect of selling and buying back cryptocurrency.

Let's use the case of Tony to better understand how nexo can be of great help...

Tony is a freelance Artist. He usually gets job occasionally from his clients, last year tony did a job for a very rich client and was paid the sum of 30,000 us dollars and a friend adviced him to buy cryptocurrency with the money so he can benefit from the rate at which the crypto worth increase.

So Tony bought cryptocurrency with the money and was left with no cash at hand. Recently, Tony have not been getting enough clients, and he really needed cash to get better tools for the advancement of his art.Looking at how profitable it is to own the cryptocurrency Tony was lost in the clowds.

So Tony decided to sell his cryptocurrency, but after consultation he realized that he was to pay some huge funds to the wallet and the market at which he was to do the sales, and also he was to wait for a long period of time because he was withdrawing a huge fund which Is subject to many verifications.

Tony was not happy with the situation so he complained to a friend. The friend told Tony about nexo and how he could use the platform. When Tony got home he log on and created a profile with nexo. All he had to do is choose the overdraft he needed, the time he is paying back, and instantly he gets the cash.


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With the aid of nexo Tony is now able to buy his art tools and still have his cryptocurrency when he needs them back without going through selling, rebuying, loss of funds, wastage of time and so many others.

More on nexo:

nexo offers the world’s first instant crypto overdrafts. This means that owners of digital assets do not need to sell their crypto to have access to instant cash whenever they need it.

Nexo will allow users to use their cryptocurrency as collateral to get liquidity without credit checks, exchange fees, taxes or hidden fees. This will enable crypto holders to maintain their position and benefit from any upside potential, while giving them the power to seize any attractive opportunities or meet any immediate obligations.

With nexo around cash is easily accessible with the aid of our cryptocurrency. This would increase the crypto base because user would be more aware of the benefits involved in owning a cryptocurrency.

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What are some benefits of nexo:

  • Nexo instant crypto overdraft allows the client to retain 100% ownership of their crypto assets.

  • There are no geographic restrictions involved, anyone from any part of the world can be a client.

  • There are no need for approvals, that means you get instant cash the moment you apply.

  • There are no additional or hidden fees and the amount on interest is competitive.

The simple steps involved in nexo.

  1. The client transfers crypto asset to the overdraft wallet.

  2. The client receive instant overdraft in US OR EUR.

  3. The client repays overdraft.

  4. Withdraw crypto from overdraft wallet

The Nexo credit card:

Nexo offers a credit card that can be used just as any traditional credit card. The key difference is that funds are made automatically available based on how much is stored in the Nexo wallet. It will also adjust the limit based on any appreciation the cryptocurrencies might have accrued. This means that user can access the instant overdraft function Nexo offers directly via the credit card.
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The nexo management:


Nexo is powered by 10 years of credissimo's expertise and solid resource base.

The managing team is lead by Kosta Kantchev, who is a co-founder of credissimo.


For more information about Nexo:

This article is an entry for a writing contest of original works sponsored by Nexo.

this article is not an endorsement of Nexo. I recommend all potential investors conduct their own research and due diligence before making any investments and not rely solely on the advice of others.



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