Lisk [LSK] relaunch: Expectations

What is Lisk [LSK]?

Lisk is a blockchain platform that allows developers to build decentralised applications using JavaScript.

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Why is Lisk so important?

Lisk is important because it means web programmers can now make blockchain applications if they use the Lisk platform. While the backend is developed using NodeJS/JavaScript, the front-end is written in CSS3/HTML5/JavaScript.

According to Wikipedia,

Lisk is also on the path to be the first (successful) of its kind as a modular cryptocurrency.

The basic idea behind it is that every Decentralised App (known as Blockchain App in Lisk terminology) is on its own sidechain, not included in the main blockchain unlike other Decentralised . The will solve scalability issues plaguing other blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum right now, while also allowing for far greater customizations to particular sidechains which is not very achievable on other platforms.

Lisk Relaunching: Relevance

Lisk is relaunching on the 20th of February 2018 .
Here are some important takeaways before the relaunch date is reached.

The Lisk relaunch will give the Lisk platform an edge over it's competitors. When cryptocurrencies relaunch or rebrand, they usually bring new features the platform possesses and in turn more attention to the project.
A typical example is when NEO (formerly known as Antshares) rebranded and gained serious media attention and it's valuation shot through the roof.

Expectations for the relaunch

What is expected from this rebrand?
Max and his team are taking more time to perfect the features and they employed Taikonauten and Rlevance, design and brand strategy firms respectively to take care of the user interface and user experience. One of the expected features is a new user interface for the Lisk (LSK) web application. This new interface is supposed to be so good that it'll probably set the industry standard.

The Lisk Nano and the Lisk Explorer will also be discontinued with the relaunch and instead all the features will now be found in a new interactive Lisk app. This new app will also feature a Lisk wallet. A new website and platform will also be rolled out.

While the rebrand will bring with it some amazing new features, Lisk will retain the unique features that have made it one of the most traded currency.

One of these is the Blockchain-as-a-Service offering that it became the first blockchain network to offer. Partnering with Microsoft Azure, Lisk offers developers a platform to develop, test and manage blockchain-based decentralized applications (DApps). The uptake by developers has been great as blockchains offer developers tools that are not available on normal development platforms which include scalability and security.

Lisk rose to prominence the because it was a good choice for developers and programmers as it facilitates the development of DApps which have a variety of applications. They can be used for decentralized hosting, immutable storage and even be integrated into Oracle services or the new Bluezelle decentralised Database system.


LSK is a solid platform. LSK will most likely appreciate after it is rebranded and relaunched like NEO. Rebranding signifies to potential investors in th space that the platform or the currency is ready for a major market push and that the developers are dedicated to the further growth of the platform.

If you're looking for a good mid term trade, you can pick up some LSK and dump a little after they relaunch but if you're a long term HODLer, LSK is definitely one of those platform coins you'll want under your belt.


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