Bitcoin Crown


Bitcoin Crown is the digital trading token that will give amusement developers, content creators and gaming groups the required crypto-upheld esteem and apparatuses for actualizing and overseeing virtual merchandise. BTCC Coin is the main digital currency with a credible reason Online gaming is a standout amongst the most thriving and stable portions in the innovation circle, supported by a faithful group of onlookers of gamers and the spreading of versatile advancements, alongside the overall development of fast Internet association. The two last factors additionally work towards the creating of digital economy, and particularly, of virtual cash market. Virtual monetary forms have effectively taken 0,1% of the world's global cash transactions and this truly implies a great deal.

Motivation behind Bitcoin Crown

Virtual Goods on the Blockchain

A decentralized platform to oversee, convey, and exchange virtual merchandise. Giving Gamers and substance creators another model of virtual possession.

The principal easy to utilize Gaming Cryptocurrency

BTCC Coin is the primary digital currency with a bona fide reason for online

gamers. Gain and exchange virtual merchandise in the most prominent gaming group creation platform online.

SDKs for the Game Industry

BTCC Coin platform is made for the amusement business. SDKs for various dialects, wallets and installment platforms will be accessible and totally open-source.

Another gaming knowledge with genuine possession and esteem

Online gamers can bring or exchange their benefits from amusement to diversion, group to group, growing their digital wallet with genuine incentive as they play.

An answer for Fraud and High Fees

For each authentic virtual thing buy 75% things are lost to extortion. BTCC Coin printed Tokens will make mtrust and security with insignificant transaction charges.

Versatile Game Market

With the current arrival of the BTCC Mobile App, including groups, gatherings, divider bolsters, informing, notice, rich substance creation, and companions management, BTCC is growing quickly in the portable application sector.

2.2 billion gamers over the globe are required to produce US$108.9 billion in amusement incomes in 2017. Versatile is the most lucrative fragment, asserting 42% of the market. In 2020, versatile gaming will speak to only the greater part of the aggregate diversions market.

Introductory Target Audience

Minecraft is a standout amongst the most prominent video recreations on the planet,

with more than 55 million month to month players. BTCC is in an extraordinary position due to our expansive existing Minecraft client base. The Unity amusement has a consolidated 770 million clients over all recreations, and 34% of best 1000 free versatile diversions are made with Unity. This alongside Unity's solid presence in Indie amusements is the reason BTCC Coin will build up a Unity SDK early.

The BTCC "Brilliant" Wallet

A key part in influencing everything easy to use to is the BTCC Wallet. Building on existing light wallet outline, the BTCC Wallet streamlines the client encounter promote by coordinating with diversions and sites that the client trusts. Client accounts on each trusted platform will be matched up to the client's Ethereum address.

We call this a "brilliant" wallet in light of various bits of usefulness that cooperate to improve the client encounter:

● The Platform API is utilized to relate checked gaming and site accounts.

● Transaction Requests are sent from trusted platforms specifically to the wallet.

● Subscriptions are affirmed and oversaw by every neighborhood wallet.

● Transaction points of confinement and limits upheld by the wallet's keen contract.

● Smart Contracts are utilized as a part of the foundation for data and showed in a clean UI.

● Local guidelines can be set up for tolerating and mechanizing Transaction Requests.



The BTCC Wallet will likewise exist as a Mobile (iOS/Android) application and execute similar highlights specified previously. Numerous clients will want to acknowledge transactions on their telephone while playing a diversion on their PC. The versatile wallet can be set-up rapidly by checking a QR code that contains settings. The versatile application will get Push notices from BTCC and any put stock in platforms. In the event that a transaction ask for is pushed, the versatile wallet will check reserves exist and request that the client Accept or Deny the coin transaction. This will enable players in-amusement to effortlessly send coin transactions by utilizing their telephone as the verification gadget.

Tokens and Smart Contracts

We will convey BTCC Coin and virtual resources as ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum network.

Ethereum is the most prevalent and generally supported savvy contract blockchain, with an immense development group and strong dialect support. We trust it has a solid future in diversion development and in making the new decentralized internet.

A gathering of shrewd contracts will provide center usefulness on the blockchain: The Mint, Payment Gateway Contract, Smart Wallet Contract, membership Contract, Custom Coin Registry and Top List Contracts.

Token Information

Name: Bitcoin Crown (BTCC)

What is Bitcoin Crown? Bitcoin Crown is a cryptocurrency designed for online game lovers.

Total Supply: 70,000,000 BTCC Tokens

Total Allocation: 50,000,000 BTCC Tokens

Hard Cap: $10,000,000 USD

Soft Cap: $2,500,000 USD

Currency: ETH

Smart Contract :0xc0c05862cca68b0b4c806796a6e7d965a6f18095

Q4 2018

Unreal Development Kit
iOS Swift SDK
Android SDK
Virtual Item Trading System

Q1 2019

BTCC Mobile App
Payment Gateway Contract
Payment Gateway Framework

Q2 2019

TopList Contract & UI
BTCC Coin Community App

For more Information please visit links below:

BTCC Website :
WhitePaper : paper.pdf
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Bitcointalk Username: Lelvin


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