Want to earn some free Crypto? Eat a sandwich!

Well, it's not exactly free... In fact, it's not free at all.

However, all you have to do is perform two quick steps and you can pocket a nice shiny new crypto coin!

Who wouldn't like that?

Without further ado, here are the all important steps:

Step 1:

Move to Russia.

Step 2:

Purchase a Whopper Sandwich from Burger King.

That's it!

Heck, even better if you already live in Russia, you can cut out Step 1. ;)

What am I talking about?

According to news released yesterday, Burger King in Russia is going to start crediting their Whopper customers 1 WhopperCoin for each Whopper they purchase.

Say what?

You can now get free cryptocurrency coins just from eating lunch?

Not only do Whoppers fill your belly now, but perhaps they could fill your bank account later on!

How would WhopperCoin work?

The transactions will be powered by the Waves distribution network. Basically, the platform allows for users to issue and transfer custom blockchain tokens. They can then be traded on a peer to peer exchange.

Specifically, the tokens would be issued to all customers that purchase a Whopper Sandwich.

Eventually the tokens themselves will be able to purchase Whoppers, once a customer has accumulated enough of them. 

As mentioned above, the coins can also be transferred and traded. Making for a nice secondary market for the coins.

Ivan Shestov (head of communications at Buger King Russia) had this to say regarding the possibilities:

"According to the forecasts, cryptocurrency will increase exponentially in value. Eating Whoppers now is a strategy for financial prosperity tomorrow."

If that doesn't get a chuckle out of you, perhaps you should read it again.

Also, make sure you tell your doctor that the next time he tells you that you need to cut back on the fast-food. ;)

Stay hungry my friends. 



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