Lessons Learned from an ICO Buying Veteran


Have You Ever Bought an ICO and Could Not Wait Until it Landed on an Exchange so That You Could Dump?

Well, that is exactly how I used to play the ICO game when I first started buying into ICO's. The problem is that I have missed out on massive returns because I was not patient enough to hold my Crypto's.

My biggest example is Lisk. I bought into this ICO on the last night it was available on a hot tip from a buddy. I had no expectations because I had no idea what it was. When the ICO launched a month or so later I could not wait to sell my small pile of Lisk. I luckily made a good return on my money but that is small potatoes compared to what my returns could have been.

18 Months Later and Lisk is on an Absolute Tear.


I bought my Lisk for around $.17 at ICO. If I could have showed patience my return would now be a 49X return. This is not the only time this has happened to me but it is the one that hurts the most.

While I was at SteemFest I had a frank conversation with my Crypto Trading friend Toby Cunningham @tobydaniel2. He was telling me how he does not sell his ICO's. Lisk was one that he has not sold. I told him that I will adopt his method going forward. There is no logical reason for me to dump my cryptos post ICO.

Randy, You Could Sell and Buy More on the Dip.

You are absolutely right but instead of selling my stack I will just simply buy more on the dips and lower my dollar cost average. A perfect example was DBET. Post ICO you could have picked up some of the tokens for about $.025 on Ether Delta. I bought mine for $.10. Now those same tokens are trading for $.19. When I have the time I will learn to trade on Ether Delta and start buying these Cryptos at huge discounts. I truly believe Decent.Bet will moon so I will not be putting my stack on an exchange.

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