Hive rewards July 2020

It's the last day of July, so it is time for a new post about the rewards I got from different Hive related services and initiatives.

Voting distribution

Based on Hivereports you could get insight in the upvotes you get for a certain amount of time. Below you can see the voting distribution of all incoming votes in July (and June as a comparison). @steembasicincome is in the lead again, but again with some remarks that should be made. The VP of most SBI accounts hasn't been restored fully, so the way Hivereports calculates the voting value isn't 100% correct. @actifit is second this month and @dkid14 is the first human upvoter this month on the third spot. Thank you so much! @pundito and @partitura are in fourth and fifth spot this month, thanks a lot!



Author rewards

The second important thing to take into account is the total amount of author rewards that I got during this month. helps here, but is in black (lifes matter) mode nowadays. Fortunately is online now. One disadvantage is that rewards are always paid out 7 days after you author a post. That means that the reward data from Hivestats are 7 days behind the Hivereports data about upvotes. To keep the calculation easy, I assume that the amount of upvotes by the different services are comparable for both periods. Since I post 4 to 5 times a week nearly all weeks, that should be pretty close to the reality.


According to the Hivestats data I got 41.31 Hive Power and 0.65 HBD in author rewards. Taking into account an average value of 0.25 Hive for HBD, the total rewards were 43.91 (compared to 56.14 in June).


In the table below you can find the results of the calculation for this month, including a recap from the previous five months. I only take the services into account that are (or used to be) among the five biggest contributors/upvoters.

ServiceShare (%)HIVE (Jul)HIVE (Jun)HIVE (May)HIVE (Apr)HIVE (Mar)STEEM (Feb)
@steembasicincome19.6 %8.6110.8415.8424.88x.xx4.18
@actifit17.5 %7.686.407.837.52x.xx7.91
@holybread4.1 %1.800.
@ecency3.2 %1.412.361.160.00x.xx3.20
@upvoteshares3.0 %1.321.401.301.06x.xx0.45
  • SBI is pretty high again this month, but that is a slight overestimation still (although it gets smaller and smaller).
  • Actifit is still doing OK. Again I was able to exchange AFIT for Hive quite often, but less than before.
  • Holybread is new this month. They started voting based on the rank in the arena. A nice new feature!
  • Ecency now only upvotes based on ESTM tokens that are used to boost a post. I did that a a bit less than before, which explains the month-on-month decline.
  • Upvoteshares had a stable month once again. I bought some more shares, but posted a bit less.

In the graph below, the Hive rewards per service over time are shown. You can see the "rest" category is still relatively big this month. Nice to see a lot of people upvoting my posts!


Conclusion and further thoughts

It's nice to see that the rewards I got on Hive are a lot higher than they were on Steem. It seems more "real" accounts are voting and less of the big accounts take up a huge part of the upvote/reward pool.

What do you think about the numbers? And do you have any recommendations for me? Let me know in the comments below!

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