Laser Eyes, Diamond Hands, and All That Crap

I’m coming up on a few milestones within the next few weeks. Fifty-one years on this crazy planet Earth (June 18) and six years of blogging on the blockchain (July 5).

Now, you would think the world would seem a little more settled and calm at my age but I’m finding that it’s quite the opposite. It’s truly a mess. If anything, with age, we just learn to spot the storms earlier and gain the ability to see through the bullshit and mass manipulation. If we’re lucky this gives us time to prepare ourselves to navigate the rough seas ahead and sail with more confidence and precision.

Every day the news is filled with stories of financial markets crashing, mass shootings, the potential of world war, and food shortages all around us. What is even more concerning are the multitudes of conspiracy theories about the tentacles of a far greater dystopia lurking beneath the already horrific surface layer of threats. Then the mainstream media does what they do, stoke the public's fears of all of these things until we are all one huge mass of panic and hysteria.

Case in point, crypto.

Crypto is a topic most of us here on Hive know, love, and, at times, love to hate.

Personally, cryptocurrency has been the biggest blessing I’ve ever encountered aside from finding meditation. Crypto has given me a lot of things but I would put freedom at the very top of that list. These days I spend my time exactly how I wish and this puts a person into a completely different mindset.

I’ve been in the space since 2016 and have survived through a few market cycles and have learned some things. This is in large part why I abhor how cryptocurrency is being slandered in the media right now.

Lately I can’t turn on the television or the radio without hearing about how crypto is all a scam and how we’re witnessing the beginning of the end of Bitcoin. This latest market downturn is part of a natural market cycle, albeit one like we haven’t quite seen before.

Take a breath. Relax, it will be okay. The sky isn't falling.

The only way you lose here, aside from a hack or something else out of your control, is if you sell right now and that is exactly what the media is trying to coax you into doing.

This market downturn is a cleansing, and in my opinion, a much needed one. There are a lot of cringy projects and platforms out there. Lately I’m seeing Tweets about how investors are losing their life savings and children’s college funds on heavily leveraged crypto trades, sketchy exchanges, and worthless NFTs.

When you see this kind of investor behavior it is inevitable that a lot of people are going to get burned. As with every bear market many of the coins and blockchains that sprung into being just to lure greedy and often uneducated speculative investors will fizzle and die. But the cryptocurrency projects that are actually adding value will invariably survive this storm and go on to hit new highs.

It might not seem like it to us because one year in crypto feels like five, but this market segment is still young. Take the lessons from your missteps and apply what you learn in the next cycle. Don’t allow yourself to be swept up into anything resembling mania. Research heavily before you invest your money in anything.

I know these are stressful times. Take a breath. Relax. Laser eyes, diamond hands, and all that crap. Above all else realize, it’s going to be okay. This too shall pass.

*Disclaimer: This is, by no means, financial advice. Do your own research and, for the love of God, don’t make financial decisions based on advice from crypto “influencers”.

~Eric Vance Walton~

(Gif compliments of

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Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.

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