Be Alert! Cryptojacking So New Threats


The evil in the world of siber, along with the development of digital technologies development. Now security siber is not only plagued by rampant viruses and hackers, but also computer piracy wear malware to mine digital money or commonly called cryptocurrency hijacking (cryptojacking).

Clearly, action cryptojacking craze because currency values digital aka crypto is increasingly surging lately.

A very big profit incentives to make people, devices and risky organizations infiltrated the illegal miners coins will suck resources from their system.

Cryptojacking is a growing threat against the security of the siber and personal. The great advantage of increasingly encourage criminals to menginfiltrasi just about anything, ranging from a home PC to a giant data center<

ISTR Symantec provide a view of the threat landscape, including information on the activities of the global threat, siber crime trends and motivations of attackers.

The report analyzes data from the Symantec Global Intelligence Network ™, i.e. the network that gathers the world's largest civil threat. ISTR also noted the activities of 126.5 million sensors in the world and monitor the activities of the threat in more than 157 countries and territories. Some important findings include:

Detection of a coin on miners computer endpoints increase 8.500 percent in 2017. What is the position of Indonesia in addition crypto?

It turns out that Indonesia is not very active, because it is ranked 5th in the Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) or is currently the 23rd globally.

The actors cryptojacking breaking into the computers that have a protection system is weak on the road's entry, which requires only a few lines of code to breaking into him.

Then the criminals steal siber and CPU usage processing power cloud consumers and companies to mine cryptocurrency. Miners coins could slow down the device, the battery heats up and in some cases can even damage the victim's computer.

For large companies, miners coin can give a risk of disturbance or the demise of the enterprise network and improve CPU usage cloud, so that zoom in on costs.

"Users need to improve their defense or they will pay a result of someone else using their device,"<

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