Top 3 Altcoins To Buy Right Now.

  1. Ripple
    Ripple currently has 90+ customers at the moment and has just done some rebranding with their 3 systems for different use cases xCurrent, xRapid and xVia. You can read more about those on Ripple's Interledger Protocol can send money across borders in under 8 seconds and can handle 1500 transactions per second, compared to Bitcoin's 3-6 and Ethereum's 15. So Ripple is built for scalable use and that means that it can handle high volume unlike Bitcoin. This is the reason Bitcoin split, because it couldn't handle the current volume and it caused transactions to be slow and fees to be high. When a bank or financial institution uses Ripple they can save 60% on processing fees. Banks and payment providers have taken interest in using Ripple to complete transactions. Recently, Moneygram is wanting to use Ripple for payments to bring down cost and build new revenue opportunities. This is the same reason why banks want to use them, Including Bank of America and 80% of banks in Japan.
  2. SiaCoin
    SiaCoin provides decentralized cloud storage and cryptographically stores your files and photos. So it is basically impossible for someone to hack into your files, unlike icloud which leaks many photos of celebrities. With SiaCoin you can also rent out your hard drive for other people to use which I think is very cool if you have extra space on your PC that you don't use.
  3. Steem is gaining many users everyday and a lot of people are having success on this platform. I believe it will be bigger than reddit in the next 2-3 years because it is essentially the same thing, but you get paid for your time. As this platform gains more users the price will naturally go up. What is great about this site is that you don't need to have a lot of followers to get a good amount of upvotes. I don't see why people would stop using Steemit, because I sure as hell won't! I have only been on here for a month and have made 110 steem in profit. Even if someone doesn't want to use this platform daily it is still a good idea for a long term hold.
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