Mosque In London Is Open Infak Service And Alms With Bitcoin.


The mosque of Shacklewell Lane in Dalston, East London, received the donation in the form of currency and bitcoin crypto (cryptocurrencies) to expand its base of donors and reduce the cost of currency exchanges, said the leaders of the mosque.

For donors who had an account a bitcoin or ethereum, exchanging currencies crypto in, for example, pounds or dollars, can be troublesome. The mosque took over currency exchange hassles tersebeut. the word Lukasz Musial, consultant blockchain that help prepare technology mosque bitcoin.

For the donors, only need click the transfer into the account provided by the charity. From the view of the mosque, it is opening up a new flow of funds donated from around the world

Shacklewell Mosque Bitcoin Keep Money


Some scholars, such as Grand Mufti of Egypt, said that bitcoin is not permitted according to Islamic law

But, the mosque's imam, Abdalla Adeyemi Shacklewell, defended the decision to make the bitcoin as one alternative charitable and giving charity.

Since. bitcoin is the same as with other currencies. Bitcoin ... accepted by a group of people. We do not offer them ... our charity.

Shacklewell mosque said it was one of the few organizations that accept the currency of crypto from hundreds in London. And the measures to fruition.

The mosque's Party said it was confident the number of donations received will be doubled this year to more than 10 thousand pounds (equivalent to US $13,300).

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