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The Secrets of Crypto Trading [Trade like a Crypto Monk - Part 3]


Welcome to the final part of the "Trade like a Crypto Monk"-series. In part 1 we had a look at the enemies on our journey and in part 2 at the allies and antidotes. In this part, we try to tie some things together and make it even more practical.

7. See Crypto Trading as a spiritual practice

You may wonder, how something that has to do with money can be a spiritual practice at all?
The first thing you have to know is, that money is just a form of energy. This is not some esoteric way of putting it, but a simple fact. Energy is attention that gets focused and directed in a certain direction.
Where you put your attention, energy flows and the focus of attention grows. This can be a thing, a person, a relationship, your work, your hobbies - you name it.
The moment you start to see crypto as a form of energy flow and where people focus their attention, you have a totally different view on things.
You now have the possibility to direct your attention/energy and watch yourself, where it is going.
Is it going to the enemies FOMO, FUD and PANIC or to your allies GRATITUDE, JOY and HUMBLENESS? Are you completely absorbed by momentary swings of moods and the collective consciousness or can you take a stand as the witness of what is going on?
Becoming the witness of your own emotions, thoughts and flow of energy/attention is by itself already a spiritual practice you can cultivate.

8. See Crypto Trading as Leela

Leela is the Sanskrit word for "divine play". You may have heard spiritual masters talk about the "game of life". Here the important factor is the word play. If you are totally absorbed and overwhelmed by mood/market swings and driven by FOMO, FUD and PANIC, you won´t experience it as a "play" by any means. You believe into the reality of these emotions and this can basically make your life a living hell.
Only when you begin to see the bigger picture (as described in step 5) you are able to take a step backwards and put things back in perspective.
It makes no sense to put all your money/energy/attention from your bank account into Crypto. This makes you an easy target for negative emotions, because it´s motivated out of desperation.
You know, that this is like someone desperate, who takes all his money and put it in a casino at Red and hope, that this way he can double his money in an instant - only to discover that Black is what comes up and life is teaching him a much more valuable lesson about the inner workings of Leela.

9. The 4 noble truths of Crypto Trading

Here is what Buddha said more than 2000 years ago (although he may not have said this literally - so please allow some small mistakes in the translation ;))

  1. Crypto Trading is pain.
  2. The reason for this pain is attachment to Crypto.
  3. Losing your attachment to Crypto is the way out of pain
  4. Here is the path of losing your attachment to Crypto....

Very straight to the point and cool marketing too. This Buddha guy was years ahead and very clever.
He taught the path out of attachment through meditation.

So here is the secret Crypto meditation he recommended to his disciples:

10. The Crypto Meditation taught by Buddha (and being made public the first time in the history of mankind exclusively on Steemit!)

It´s very simple and can be learned in minutes, but spares you of years of pain and suffering.
Here are the easy steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Look for any coin that you believe is the best coin there is, there was and there ever will be
  3. Zoom in as close as possible. Best choose the real time market data (for instant mood swings).

4 a. Watch the coin going up, to experience FOMO, that you missed to buy more of it earlier on.
4 b. Watch the coin going down, to experience FUD, that you already knew you should have sold it.
5 Sit with either of these emotions until you are attached enough, that you think you will become rich and instantly order a Lambo or so poor, that you will soon live under a bridge.
6 Remember the "Trade like a Crypto Monk" series you read on Steemit (and recommended to all of your friends, because you thought that this information is something they really could profit from)
7 Breath, find your center, see the bigger picture and how the energy/attention is flowing at the moment
8 See, that this all is divine play.
9 Close Coinmarketcap
10 Go to Steemit and upvote, comment and resteem this article (This is again the marketing part, that Buddha so cleverly knew how to do)

Thank you for reading this series and let me know, if you would like more stuff like this. It was incredible fun to share this humorous, but also deep spiritual wisdom with you!

All Love,