Could Ripple XRP Really Reach $10.00 In 39 Days?


Just before you start, this is in response to a recent video on YouTube, by Young Forex, see it for yourself, here-

The video, was released 10 days ago and discusses an idea regarding Ripple. Young Forex states that Ripple could hit $10.00 in 49 days. 10 days later, does this sentiment ring true?

Well, Young Forex is concerned mostly by a second bull run here, in the wake of the recent market surge that saw the price of Bitcoin shoot up. Many experts did believe that the mid-April market surge was the start of some bigger and better bull runs which in turn would eventually push Bitcoin up to $12,000.00. Here, a movement by Bitcoin up to $12,000.00 would in turn, pull Ripple up to $10.00.

Young Forex believes the technology behind Ripple is the innovation that will drive Ripple XRP up to $10.00, mainly for its potential for solving problems and for generating solutions. This is a view demonstrated by many fans of Ripple and really, it is their technology that they seem to wish to drive forward, XRP is but a small part of that movement.

Fortunately, it just so happens that as Ripple’s technology becomes more integrated into real life, the value of XRP simply benefits.

39 Days from now brings us to Friday the 1st of June 2018. So, how can Ripple hit $10.00 by then?

Young Forex highlights that previously, Ripple has experienced a 1400% gain through a market surge, which means based on its current standing, the value of XRP could hit $10.00 with a significantly smaller percentage rise. Essentially, that is his logic.

So, what do we think?

This is quite a heavy claim. There’s no reason we couldn’t see a 2000% rise in Ripple XRP in a set amount of time, but it is very brave to put an end date on that prediction. Moreover, we could also see the value of XRP take a 2000% drop in the same amount of time, once again though it would be unwise to say “it will happen on this date”.

Experts see another bull run looming, one that will almost certainly be bigger than the last one. Of course, I doubt we will see anything like what we saw at the end of 2017, but, theoretically another big bull run will lead to subsequent other, bigger bull runs.

It is important to highlight that cryptocurrency is volatile, Ripple XRP is no exception to this. Whilst it is unlikely, Ripple could indeed hit $10.00 by June, however, lets focus on the $3.00 target for now. If you choose to invest, do so wisely. We need to continue to pay close attention to Ripple and XRP. They are a movement, that is moving into the future. We all want to be a part of that. The problem is at the moment, when should we become a part of that?


Follow me : @aldhmri

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